We are part of the West Penn Allegheny Health System |
Garth D. Ehrlich, Ph.D
Name |
Garth D. Ehrlich, Ph.D. |
Title |
Executive Director, Center for Genomic Sciences
Allegheny-Singer Research Institute |
Business Address |
320 East North Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15212-4772 |
Office |
(412) 359-4228 |
Assistant |
(412) 359-8169 |
Fax |
(412) 359-6995 |
Email |
Professional Interests
- Molecular Pathogenesis of Chronic Infectious Diseases
- Human Disease Gene Mapping, Cloning, and Modeling
- Applications of the polymerase chain reaction to clinical diagnostics, epidemiology, and human genetics
- Molecular Biology of Scarless Wound Healing
- Comparative Expressome Analyses
- Human Retroviral Pathogenesis
Academic and Administrative Positions at MCP-Hahnemann University/Allegheny General Hospital/Allegheny Singer Research Institute (10/97-Date)
07/01-Date |
Research Advisor, GI fellowship program, Allegheny General Hospital |
06/01-Date |
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (primary appointment) MCP Hahnemann University School of Mediicne |
08/98-Date |
Professor of Surgery MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine. (appointment still in process) |
07/98-Date |
Vice Chairman, Department of Human Genetics |
07/98-Date |
Professor of Human Genetics, MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine |
10/97-Date |
Executive Director, Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny General Hospital/Allegheny Singer Research Institute |
10/97-Date |
Professor of Otolaryngology, MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine |
01/98-Date |
Director of Research, Department of Otolaryngology, MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine |
12/97-7/98 |
Associate Director, Allegheny Cancer Center, MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine (center closed) |
Honorary and Adjunct Academic Appointments
07/99-Date |
Honorary Professor of Medical Genetics, West China University of the Medical Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, China |
01/01-Date |
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical &Health Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. |
10/01-Date |
Honorary Professor, Santou University School of Medicine, Santou, Guan Zhou, China |
Academic and Administrative Positions at the University of Pittsburgh (6/90-10/97)
1/96-10/97 |
Associate Professor of Pathology (with Tenure), University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |
6/96-10/97 |
Executive Director, Center for Genomic Sciences, University of Pittsburgh and Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh |
12/93-10/97 |
Chief, Virology, Microbiology and Infectious Disease Section, Molecular Diagnostics Division, Department of Pathology |
5/91-10/97 |
Member, Graduate Faculty, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |
1/92-10/97 |
Adjunct Member, Central Blood Bank of Pittsburgh |
1/96-10/97 |
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |
1/96-10/97 |
Associate Professor of Infectious Disease and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health |
6/90-6/91 |
Head, Molecular Diagnostics Unit, Department of Pathology |
6/90-10/97 |
Clinical Director, Central Testing Facility, Molecular Diagnostics Division, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |
7/91-10/97 |
Director, Core PCR Facility, Department of Pathology |
7/95-8/95 |
Acting Director, Molecular Diagnostics Division |
6/90-12/95 |
Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |
6/90-12/95 |
Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases & Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh |
7/92-12/95 |
Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh
Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh |
Previous Employment
04/89-06/90 |
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse and Principal Research Scientist SUNY Research Foundation |
07/88-04/89 |
Research Instructor, Department of Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse |
07/86-06/88 |
Technical Specialist II, SUNY Research Foundation at SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse
- Development of PCR as a diagnostic tool in retrovirology
- Evaluation of the effect of retroviral infections on chromosomal methylation patterns
05/84-07/86 |
Technical Specialist I, SUNY HSC at Syracuse
- Detection, epidemiology and spectrum of disease associated with HIV, HTLV-I and II
- Correlation of HTLV-I tax gene expression with disease
07/83-04/84 |
Research Scientist B, for Bristol Myers Industrial Division, Genetic Engineering Group
- Purified mRNA from Fusarium oxysporum
- Establish in vitro translation assay for F. oxysporum mRNA
10/81-07/83 |
Research Scientist C, Bristol Myers Industrial Division, Genetic Engineering Group
- Initiated amidohydrolase cloning project
- Studied F. oxysporum growth kinetics vs. regulation of amidohydrolase
10/81-01/83 |
Research Specialist, Syracuse University, Biology Department |
03/80-10/81 |
Research Microbiologist, Bethesda Research Laboratories
Cloning and mutagenesis of genes for amino acid biosynthesis |
03/78-02/80 |
Self-employed Agri Business |
09/75-05/77 |
University sponsored tutor in the Biological and Chemical Sciences. Laboratory specimen preparation |
Current Research ProjectsDevelopment of a multi-component theoretical framework for the understanding of chronic bacterial pathogenesis embodying the concepts of bacterial plurality
- The distributed genome hypothesis (2001) and bacterial virulence in chronic infections (genomic plurality, based upon studies in genomic plasticity)
- The biofilm paradigm (1996) of chronic bacterial infections (phenotypic plurality, based upon metabolic [1996] and imaging studies [2002])
- Pathogenesis of otitis media with effusion (1990-2002) (a model of chronic infectious disease)
Understanding the pathophysiological bases of human genetic diseases based upon disease gene identifcation and the development of animal and theoretical models
- Disease gene mapping: a) Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis-completed 1994; b) hereditary pancreatitis-completed 1996; c) diffuse abnormal insertional activity (DAIA)-completed 1996; d) extrodactyly-completed 1999; e) Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis-QTL identified 1998; f) pediatric gastroesophageal reflux-completed 2000; g) vesicoureteral reflux-ongoing since 1995; h) Dupuytren contracture-ongoing since 1995; i) speech and language acquisition-specimen collection initiated 2000; j) susceptibility to chronic bacterial infections-specimen collection initiated 2001; k) autoimmunity multiple sclerosis-specimen collection initiated 2001; l) external ear formation-animal breeding experiments 2001.
- Disease gene cloning: a) Crouzon syndrome/Jackson Weiss-completed 1995; b) hereditary pancreatitis-completed 1996-1997; c) pediatric GER-ongoing. 3) Disease gene modeling: a) Crouzon syndrome-nude rat-human mutant osteoblast chimeras; b) hereditary pancreatitis-theoretical model based on mutational affects on protein (1996)-experimental support 1998-2001.
Building moving pictures of gene expression using SS-RT-PCR, differential display, and RNA array technologies of normal and patholgoical conditions.
- scarless wound healing (1995-date);
- premature craniosynostosis (1998-date);
- bacterial biofilm formation in the middle ear (both bacterial and mucosal gene expression patterns) (1998-date)
- Barrett's metaplasia (2002);
- Colon cancer metastasis (2001)
Clinical Testing
- PCR-based testing for CMV, HSV, VZV, EBV, Lyme disease, HBV and the human retroviruses
- RT-PCR-based testing for HCV and the human retroviruses
- Detection of infectious agents in upper respiratory infections and otitis media by PCR including: S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, Bordatella pertussis, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and adenovirus.
Clinical Development Projects
- Development of multiplex organ system-based molecular diagnostics.
- upper respiratory viral infections
- upper respiratory bacterial infections
- septic vs. aseptic meningitis (patent application approved)
11/89-05/90 |
University of Pittsburgh |
11/89-08/90 |
Syracuse Research Corporation |
02/90-Date |
Teltech, Inc. |
08/90-07/91 |
06/91-1993 |
RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIT-91-22 (Rene J. Duquesnoy, Ph.D.) |
07/91-1997 |
Roche Molecular Systems (informal, limited to materials exchange and comparison of test results) |
07/91-06/94 |
Kodak, Clinical Products Division, Rochester, New York |
01/92-01/95 |
Central Blood Bank, Pittsburgh, PA |
05/92-3/93 |
Smith, Helms, Mulliss & Moore, Raleigh, North Carolina |
11/92 |
Travelers Insurance Co. |
02/93-11/96 |
Oncogenetics |
08/93-7/95 |
TM Technologies |
02/95-01/96 |
McKnight and Thompson, Houston, TX/ Hotel Six |
07/94-11/97 |
Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA |
08/96-10/97 |
Third Wave Technologies (informal, limited to material exchange and comparison of test results) |
11/96-9/97 |
Impath |
01/97 |
Boehringer Mannheim |
02/97-6/99 |
Visible Genetics/Gene Foundry |
03/97-03/99 |
CL Scientific/ Kaiyuan Bioengineering, Ltd. |
01/98-03/99 |
Quest Diagnostics/Nichols Institute |
01/00-Date |
Pfizer (molecular diagnostic support of clinical trials) |
02/02-Date |
Medtronics (pending) |
10/01-Date |
Radvault (Scientific Advisory Board member) |
03/02-Date |
Bacterin (Scientific Advisory Board member) |
07/87-06/88 |
Post-Doctoral Fellow-Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, SUNY HSC (Upstate Medical Center) at Syracuse |
09/84-08/87 |
Ph.D.-Syracuse University-in Biology
- Dissertation title: Correlation of Clinical and Molecular Parameters of Human Retroviral Infections
- Mentors: John Vournakis, Bernard Poiesz, and Judith Foster
09/74-05/77 |
B.A.-Alfred University-Honors in Biology, May 1977 magna cum laude |
07/26/94-07/26/2002 |
New York State Department of Health, Certificate of Qualification.
Laboratory Director: Direct Molecular Detection Techniques, Infectious Agents
Code Number: EHRLG1 |
Birth Date |
July 9, 1956 |
Health |
Excellent |
Children |
Ian S.G. Ehrlich, son DOB 04/09/81; electrical engineering student University of Pittsburgh |
Nathan E.G. Ehrlich, son DOB 03/21/84; varsity soccer, math major, Taylor Allderdice HS |
Hobbies |
Alpine Skiing, Travel, Mountain Biking, Karaoke, and Magic the Gathering. |
Community ActivitiesMember-Syracuse City School District's Gifted Education Advisory Board (1989-1990)
Lecturer-on AIDS to Secondary School Children; Science to elementary school children (1989-Date)
Established-the Genomic Sciences Institute for training of high school biology teachers through didactic and hands-on continuing education within a major research facility (2001-Date)
Honors and Awards
- New York State Regents Scholarship 09/73-05/77
- Advanced biology GRE 840 (98th percentile)
- American Chemical Society O Chem exam 56 (99th percentile)
- Departmental Honors (Biology) conferred upon graduation from Alfred University.
- Member Phi Kappa Phi (general scholastic honorary)
- Nominated by Alfred University for the Danforth Fellowship competition
- Awarded honorable mention in the National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship competition
- Enrolled at University of Chicago with a National Institutes of Health predoctoral Fellowship
- Research Assistant SUNY HSC at Syracuse 04/84-07/87
- Invited Participant, NIH Workshop on PCR 06/30/88
- Invited participant NMMS meetings on MS, HTLV-1 and PCR, June 1989, Montreal, Canada
- Invited participant NCI symposia on HTLV-I, 1989.
- Invited participant NIAID symposia on detecting HIV-1 in urogenital fluids, October, 1991.
- Visiting Professor, Cleveland Clinic, February 18, 1992
- Honorary member, Association of Medical & Laboratory Immunologists, 1992-1993
- Invited Participant, NICHD/NIDCD Symposia on Infectious agents and SIDS
- Heritage Foundation Lecturer, Cross Cancer Institute Edmonton CANADA, 1994
- Cited in Marquis's Who's Who in the East, 1995
- Cited in Marquis's Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1995
- Invited speaker NIDCD Council Meeting, May 18, 1995
- Alumni Citation Award, Alfred University, Alfred, New York, June 3, 1995
- Feinstein Lecturer, Alfred University, Alfred, New York, October 21, 1995
- Invited Guest, Visible Genetics, Toronto Ontario, Canada, June 26, 1996
- Invited Guest, Third Wave Technologies, Madison, Wisconsin, July 25-26, 1996.
- Invited Speaker, Association for Research in Otolaryngology's Workshop in Molecular Genetics, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 1-6, 1997.
- Invited Speaker and Guest, Kaiyuan Bioengineering, Ltd., Xian, China, March 25-April 2, 1997.
- Invited Participant, NIDCD Workshop on Molecular Genetics of Language and Speech Acquisition, April 28, 1997.
- Career featured as cover story in the Sunday Magazine Section of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, February 22, 1998.
- Keynote speaker, National Convention of Directors of Clinical Diagnosis Centers and the National Symposium of the Academic Exchange for young scientists, sponsoring agency, Health Ministry of P.R. China, Xian, China May 28, 1998.
- Work on medical biofilms featured in news article in Science, January 1999
- Honorary Professorship in Medical Genetics conferred by West China University of the Medical Sciences July 15, 1999, Award Ceremony October 11, 1999.
- Included in Marquis' Who's Who in America 2000, 2001, 2002.
- Invited Participant, DARPA biowarfare PI's conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Jan 30-Feb 4, 2000.
- Guest of Honor, PAGER's Annual Walk-Run, San Diego, CA, September 21, 2000.
- National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Board of Scientific Counselors, October 2000.
- Invited Participant, NIH NIDCD Workshop, Otitis Media: New Approaches for Analysis, Treatment, and Prevention, Rockville, MD November 29-30, 2000.
- Invited Participant, MCP Hahnemann University Pre-Commencement Dinner with Dr. Craig Venter, Philadelphia, PA May 17, 2001
- Keynote Speaker, Indian Association of Medical Microbiology, Silver Jubilee Meeting, November 24, 2001 New Delhi, India
1983-Date |
American Association for the Advancement of Science |
1990-Date |
American Society for Microbiology |
1990-1997 |
Pittsburgh Cancer Institute |
1991-2000 |
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists |
1992-1996 |
Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists |
1993-Date |
Association for Research in Otolaryngology |
1993-1996 |
Society for Leukocyte Biology |
1994-Date |
Sigma Xi |
1994-Date |
Association for Molecular Pathology-Founding Member
Infectious Diseases Committee Co-Chair 1994-1995 |
1996-Date |
American Society for Human Genetics |
1997-Date |
Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Institute (mentor Award 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001) |
2000-Date |
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery |
2001-Date |
Tissue Engineering Society |
Grant Support
Past |
08/88-07/89 |
Endowment for the Neurosciences-$12,052.00 (Principal Investigator) |
08/89-07/91 |
National Multiple Sclerosis Society- PCR-Based analyses for HTLV-I in MS $20,000 (Principal Investigator) |
1988-1991 |
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute-Development and evaluation of new screening tests for human retroviruses. R01 HL-43602-01, $299,119 direct costs first year. (5% Effort) (Co-Investigator) (Bernard J. Poiesz, Principal Investigator) |
01/91-12/91 |
Pathology Education and Research Foundation-postdoctoral salary-$18,000 (Principal Investigator) |
07/91-06/92 |
Joint Development Fund-Sequence capture of PCR amplimers using a multiplex cyanine dye detection methodology. $20,000 Technician salary support. (Principal Investigator) |
09/89-08/92 |
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute-Development and evaluation of new screening tests for HTLV-III antigens, antibodies, or nucleic acids. N01-HB-67021, $320,790 direct costs first year (Co-Investigator) (5% Effort) (Bernard J. Poiesz, Principal Investigator) |
06/91-05/92 |
Otitis Media Research Center, $4,000.00 equipment grant (Co-Principal Investigator) |
09/91-10/92 |
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh-New Research Project Fund. PCR-based detection of unculturable microorganisms in otitis media. $4,400.00. (Co-Principal Investigator) |
01/92-12/92 |
Blood Science Foundation-Development of HCV Diagnostic Assays. $25,000.00. (Principal Investigator) |
01/92-12/92 |
General Clinical Research Center, University of Pittsburgh, $4,000 for study of infectious organisms by rDNA PCR (Co-Principal Investigator) |
08/91-07/93 |
Stanley Foundation Research Awards Program-TCR_ usage in T lymphocytes isolated from the CSF of Schizophrenic patients. (Cathy McAllister, Principal Investigator, Garth Ehrlich, Co-Investigator) $12,800 direct costs for PCR subproject. |
04/92-03/93 |
Department of Pathology, Chairman's Discretionary Fund-Development of an automatable single stranded sequence capture technique using magnetic bead separation. $26,913.00 (Principle Investigator) |
07/92-06/93 |
The American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Foundation -Academy Research Training Award, "PCR identification of M. catarrhalis DNA in chronic OME". $15,000 (Christopher Post-Principal Investigator) (Preceptor) |
07/92-06/93 |
The Pennsylvania Lions Hearing Research Foundation-Bacterial Detection in Middle-Ear Effusions Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction, $20,000 (Christopher Post-Principal Investigator, Garth Ehrlich-Co-Principal Investigators) |
07/92-06/94 |
Kodak Corporation, Comparative Analyses of PCR-Based Clinical Diagnostic Assays, $61,489 (Principal Investigator) |
07/92-06/94 |
Kodak Corporation, PCR Detection of Gram Negative Bacteremia and Antiviral Susceptibility testing of HIV-1, $292,904 (Principal Investigator) |
01/93-12/94 |
The Deafness Research Foundation-Development of a multiplex PCR-based assay to detect respiratory viruses associated with otitis media, $30,000 (Christopher Post, Garth Ehrlich -Co-Principal Investigators) |
06/93-05/94 |
Pathology Education and Research Foundation-Analysis of the chinchilla laniger animal mold of OME for PCR-based detection of H. influenzae. (Principal Investigator) |
07/94-06/95 |
Triological Society, The molecular biology of tissue injury and wound healing in sub glottic stenosis, $25,000 (Robert Yellow, Principal Investigator) (Co-Investigator). |
07/94-06/95 |
Triological Society, The molecular characterization of mutations and co-infections in juvenile laryngeal papillomas, $25,000 (Dr. Frank Rimell, Principal Investigator) (Preceptor). |
07/90-09/95 |
National Institute of Health, NIAID, Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (20% Effort) (Charles Rinaldo, Jr., Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Garth Ehrlich, Co-Investigator) Viroimmunology subproject $70,000/annum in direct costs. |
01/91-04/96 |
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Grant #DMB910001P Clinical Molecular Diagnostics -14.0 service units (Principal Investigator) |
07/95-06/96 |
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Investigation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as an Etiology of Recurrent Throat Infection in Children. $9800.00 (Robert Wadowsky, PI) (Co-Principal Investigator). |
07/94-12/95 |
General Clinical Research Center, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PCR analysis of pediatric blood specimens for evidence of S. pneumoniae bacteremia. $19,330.86 (Principal Investigator) |
06/90-06/96 |
Pathology Education and Research Foundation-$160,000.00 (Principal Investigator) |
12/93-11/94 |
General Clinical Research Center, Children's Hospital-RT-PCR analysis of nasal secretions for individuals challenged with influenzae virus infection, $5,500 (Principal Investigator). |
05/01/95-04/30/97 |
NIH RO3, Microsatellite Mapping of Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome, 50,000 (Robert Preston, Principal Investigator) (Co-Investigator and Preceptor). |
07/01/95-06/30/98 |
NIH, NIAID, Characterization of HIV in sexual transmission. (Phalguni Gupta, Principal Investigator) (Co-Investigator). |
9/96-8/98 |
NIH, NIDDK, PAR-95-078 "Genetic linkage in patients with Hereditary Pancreatitis" (Co-Principal Investigator) Direct costs for first year-$50,000. |
9/96-8/98 |
Eli Lily, Loribid Trial-PCR for URVI. $15,000. |
02/97-1/98 |
National Kidney Foundation, "Clinical, Biochemical and Molecular Genetic Characterization of Persons and Families with Vesicoureteral Reflux". (Mentor) Total Project Funding: $25,000.00 |
01/97-12/98 |
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America "Genetic linkage of inflammatory bowel disease"; (Co-Principal Investigator) Direct Costs for first year-$80,000. |
09/94-08/99 |
NIH, NIAID, AIDS Training Grant (5% Effort) (Charles Rinaldo, Jr., Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Garth Ehrlich, Co-Investigator) Total Project Funding: $1,166,178. |
07/94-06/2000 |
NIH, NIDCD, R29DC02398-01, Genetic mapping of a syndrome with hearing impairment, $70,000 direct costs per year (Dr. J. Christopher Post, Principal Investigator) (Preceptor and Consultant) |
9/96-9/99 |
NIH DC-95-13 "Molecular Analyses of Autopsy Specimens from SIDS and Control Infants to Ascertain Middle-Ear Infection" (Principal Investigator) Direct costs for first year-$75,111. |
07/95-06/00 |
NIH NIDDK DK-94-022, Alcohol and altered regulation of pancreatic secretion, $149,909 direct costs year one (David C. Whitcomb, PI) (Co-Principal Investigator). |
Current |
12/93-03/03 |
NIH NIDCD, 2R01DC02148, Molecular Analysis of Pathogens in Otitis Media by PCR, $362,496 costs year eight (Principal Investigator). |
07/00-6/2003 |
NIH-NIDCD, R01DC04173- The Role of Biofilms in the Pathogenesis of Otorrhea, $742,262 direct costs first year. Three year total: $3,091,316 (Principal Investigator). |
07/2000- 06/2004 |
NIH-NIDCD-RO1-DC04591-01 The Genetics of Gastroesophageal Reflux, $225,000 direct costs/year (Principal Investigator). |
07/2000-06/2005 |
NIH-NIDCD- 2 R01 DC02398-08A1 Molecular Genetics of a Syndrome with Hearing Impairment, $250,000 direct costs first year, (Co-Investigator; Dr. J. Christopher Post, PI). |
01/2000-Date |
Pfizer-Molecular Diagnostics for Clinical Trials (protocols 1015, 1016, 1039 and 1043) $150,000 (Principal Investigator) |
04/2002- Date |
Motorola-Comparative Gene Expression of Calvarial Sutures in a Chimeric Human Ostoeblast/ Nude Rat Model. $7000 [in reagents] (Principal Investigator) |
05/2002-Date |
Biogen-Comparative Gene Expression of Cytokines in Treated and Untreated Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. $60,617 (Principal Investigator) |
06/2002-05/2003 |
The Buhl Foundation "Henry C. Frick Educational Fund of the Buhl Foundation" Professional Development Program in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology for High School Biology Teachers $19,680 (Sponsor; Dr. Eva Erdosne Toth, PI). |
10/2002-09/2005 |
Allegheny Orthopedic Associates. Molecular Analyses of Bacterial Biofilms associated with Osteomyletis following Total Joint Replacement. $133,000 first year ($400,000 direct costs total) (Principal Investigator) |
08/2002-07/2005 |
National Science Foundation (NSF) $356,000 total costs (Co-investigator; Dr. Eva Erdosne Toth, PI) |
-Pending- |
NIH/NIDCD R01 DC05659-01 Pneumococcal Biofilms in Otitis Media 07/01/02-6/30/07 $475,000 (1st year direct costs) (Co-Principal Investigator; Dr. J. Christopher Post, PI). |
-Pending- |
NIH/NIDCD R01 DC05631-01 Bacterial Genomic Plasticity a Mechanism of Hearing Loss (07/01/02-6/30/07) $250,000 (1st year direct costs) (Co Investigator; Dr. Geza Erdos PI). |
-Pending- |
NIH/HIDCD K08 Genetics of Papilloma-induced Voice Disturbance (12/01/02-11/30/07) $179,500 (1st year direct costs) (Mentor; Dr. Buchinsky PI). |
-Pending- |
NIH/NIDDK R01-Response to RFA on Genetics of Barrett's Esophagus (03/20/02-submission date) (PI WPAHS subcontract; Hashem El Serag PI, Baylor COM) |
-Pending- |
NIH.NIDCD 3R01DC02148, Molecular Analysis of Pathogens in Otitis Media by PCR (03/01/02-2nd renewal early submission date for year 10-14) |
Students/MentorshipsGraduate Students
Lauren Bruckner-M.D./Ph.D. Student at SUNY HSC at Syracuse; Topic-The role of HTLV-I proviral integration, or lack thereof, on retroviral expression and pathogenicity. (Co-Mentor 1989-90)
Michael Sherman-M.D./Ph.D. Student at SUNY HSC at Syracuse; Topic-Examination of HTLV-I proviral flanking sequences in chromosomal DNA by means of ligation mediated PCR. (Co-Mentor 1989-90)
Timothy Oriss-Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh (Committee Member)-Ph.D. awarded June 1993.
Debbie Boldt-Ph.D., Admitted to candidacy 1992, Ph.D. awarded September 1994, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (Mentor). Currently in Biotechnology Industry.
Alexa Sirko-Ph.D., Admitted to candidacy 1993, Ph.D. awarded with honors, November 1995, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (Mentor). Currently Assistant Professor of Human Genetics, Case Western Reserve University
James Christopher Post, M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology-Ph.D. Admitted to candidacy 1995, Ph.D. awarded May 1999, Department of Human Genetics, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Mentor, ex officio). Currently Director Pediatric ENT, Allegheny General Hospital and Medical Director Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny Singer Research Institute
Jasmin Dada-M.S. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Thesis Committee)-M.S. awarded 1992
Stella Laus-M.S. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Thesis Committee)-M.S. awarded December, 1993
Yingze Zhang-Ph.D. Student, Passed qualifying exams, June 1995, Ph.D. Ph.D. awarded with honors December 1997. Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (Mentor). Currently, Assistant Professor University of Pittsburgh School of Dentistry
Kirsten St. George-Ph.D. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Doctoral Exam and Dissertation Committees)
Chaofo Shi-Ph.D. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Ph.D. Oral Comprehensive Examination Committee)
Meisheng Chen-Ph.D. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Ph.D. Oral Comprehensive Examination Committee)
Maria Victoria Dolor-M.S. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Thesis Committee)-M.S. Awarded March 1996.
Anita Beyer-M.S. Student, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh (Thesis Committee)-M.S. awarded December, 1995
Li Zheng-Ph.D. Student, Department of Pathology, Univeresity of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine-Summer 1996.
Erin Beth Summerly-M.S. Thseis Committee Member, Department of Infectious Disease and Microbiology, Graduate School of Public Health-M.S. Awarded July, 1997.
Devin Dressman-Ph.D. student, Biomedical Graduate Program, University of Pittsburgh Summer 1997 (transferred to Eric Hoffman's Lab when I left). Ph.D awarded 2001.
Fen Ze Hu-Ph.D. Student, Graduate Program in Molecular and Human Genetics, Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. M.S. awarded with Distinction, May 1999 (due to breakup of AUHS), Currently, Laboratory Manager Center For Genomic Sciences, ASRI. Ph.D. Candidate MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine.
Jeffrey Dingman-Ph.D. Student, Graduate Program in Molecular and Human Genetics, Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. M.S. awarded, May 1999 (due to breakup of AUHS). Currenetly, medical student University of Pittsburgh.
Michael Gorry-Ph.D. Student, Graduate Program in Molecular and Human Genetics, Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. (left program because of AUHS bankruptcy 10/98)
Xiaobin Dai-Ph.D. Student, Graduate Program in Molecular and Human Genetics, Center for Genomic Sciences, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. (died 4/98)
Post-doctoral Fellows
Basavaraju Shankarappa, Ph.D. (Ph.D. University of Maryland) Correlation of env gene Genotype and clinical Phenotype of HIV-1 isolates from members of the MACS cohort. (1991-1994). Currently on faculty at University of Washington in Seattle.
Hawazin Faruki, Ph.D. Development of Molecular Diagnostics for Viral Pathogens associated with solid organ transplant. (1992-1994). Previously Director of Molecular Diagnostics for The Central Blood Bank, Pittsburgh PA. Current position unknown.
Sameera Sayeed, Ph.D. (Ph.D. Bangladesh; National Institutes of Health post doc) Construction, characterization and normalization of gene expression libraries for creation of RNA arrays to study the gene expression patterns of host and pathogen associated with mucosal biofilm diseases. (2000-present)
Patricia Antalis, Ph.D. (Ph.D. Ohio State University; Carnegie Science Center post doc). Construction, characterization and normalization of gene expression libraries for creation of RNA arrays to study the gene expression patterns of normal and abnormal bony development of the calvaria. (2000-present)
Azad Ahmed, M.D. (M.D. Bangladesh) Positional cloning of the GER gene; Gene mapping of GER and Dupuytren's contracture. (2001-present)
Joseph Goodwin, D.P.M. Genomic plasticity of bacterial pathogens (2001-present)
Kai Shen, M.D., M.S. (M.D., M.S. West China University of the Medical Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, China) Genomic plasticity of bacterial pathogens (2001-present)
Faculty Mentored and/or Supervised
Robert Wadowsky, Sc.D. (Currently, Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh & Director of Clinical Microbiology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh) Provided training in molecular diagnostics for infectious agents. (1991-1997)
Parmjeet Randawa, M.D. (Currently, Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine) Provided training in molecular diagnostics for infectious agents (1991-1994)
Robert Preston, Ph.D (Currently Research Associate Professor of Biochemistry{appointment pending}, Drexel University College of Medicine) Provided training and oversight in Genetic Mapping, Linkage Analysis, and Sequence Analysis. (1992-Date)
Xue Wang M.D., M.S. (Currently Research Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Drexel University College of Medicine) Provided training in animal models of microbiological research and protein biochemistry.
Geza Erdos, Ph.D. (Currently Research Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Drexel University College of Medicine). Provided mentoring in NIH grant writing, personnel management, and career positioning. Provided training in production and screening of arrayed libraries and micro-aarrays (2000-Date)
Basavaraju Shankarappa, Ph.D., D.V.M (Currently Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine). Provided mentoring in NIH grant writing, personnel management, and career positioning
Sandeep Kathju, M.D., Ph.D. (Currently Assistant Professor of Surgery, MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine). Provided mentoring in project selection, and NIH grant submissions. Serve as sponsor on K08 career development award submitted 2001.
Farrell Buchinsky, M.D. (Currently Assistant Professor of Surgery, {appointment pending} MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine). Provided mentoring in project selection, and NIH & foundation grant submissions. Serve as sponsor on K08 career development award (01/01/2003-12/31/2007)
Medical Student Research Fellowships
Keri Lavigne-Medical Student Research Program-SUNY HSC at Syracuse; Topic-differentiation of HTLV-I and II by immunoblot, PCR and RT-PCR of plasma/serum. M.D. 1990 (Primary Advisor)
Mark Malone-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (90-91)
Tylis Chang-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (91-92)
Margaret Pettigrew-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology and Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh (91-92)
Jill Rydquist-White-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (92-93)
Tylis Chang-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (92-93) (Co-sponsor)
Kenneth Anderson-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (93-94) First Place Award in the Medical Student/Post-sophomore Fellow category of the Fifth Annual Research Presentation Day Competition.
Jerry Aul-Medical Student Summer Research Program-Medical Alumni Association, University of Pittsburgh, Summer, 1993 and Post-sophomore Fellow (1994-1995), Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (1994-95)
Derek Armfield-Medical Student Summer Research Program-Medical Alumni Association, University of Pittsburgh, Summer, 1994-Received Travel Award from ARO to present his poster at the National Meeting.
Daryle Darden-Post-sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh (96-97).
Mark Rayner-Medical Student Research Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh (96-97).
Erin O'Brien-Medical Student Research Program-Medical Alumni Association-University of Pittsburgh (97).
Christopher Polling-Medical Student Research Program-Medical Alumni Association-University of Pittsburgh (97).
Cindy Nelson-Medical Student Research Program-Medical Alumni Association-University of Pittsburgh (97).
Demetri Laddis -Medical Student Research Program-Medical Alumni Association-University of Pittsburgh (97).
Jay Stutz-Medical Student Research Program-Medical Alumni Association-University of Pittsburgh (97).
Sy Catinuo-Medical Student Research Program-Medical Alumni Association-University of Pittsburgh (97).
Dorothea Yee-Medical Student Research Rotation-MCP-Hahnemann University-October 1999
Gregory White-Medical Student Summer Intern-Osteopathic School of Philadelphia-Summer 2000
Mina Cherapoo-Medical Student Research Rotation-MCP- Hahnemann University-April-July 2001
Resident and Fellow Laboratory Internships
Anthony Magit, M.D. -Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellow, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (1990-1992)
J. Christopher Post, M.D.-Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellow, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (1990-1992)
Frank Rimmel, M.D.-Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellow, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (1994)
Andrew Shapiro, M.D.-Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellow, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (1994)
David Shoemaker, M.D.-Otolaryngology Resident, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh (1994)
Sean Houston, M.D.-Otolaryngology Resident, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh (1994)
Eric Leiderman, M.D.-Otolaryngology Resident, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh (1994)
Ana Pou, M.D.-Otolaryngology Resident, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh (1994, 1995)
Wasyl Szerameta, M.D.-Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellow, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (1995-1996).
Suman Mishra, M.D.-Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellow, Resident, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (1997).
Daniel Herz, M.D.-Urology Resident, Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh, (1996-1997).
Steven Krakora, D.M.D-Oralomaaxillofacial Surgery Resident, Department of Oralomaxillofacial surgery, Allegheny General Hospital (1999-2000)
Sandeep Kathju, Ph.D., M.D.-Plastic Surgery Fellow, Departments of Plastic Surgery University of Pittsburgh and Allegheny General Hospital, (2000-2001)
Lise Roberts, M.D.-Obstetrics/Gynecology Fellow, Department of OB/GYN, Allegheny General Hospital (2000-2001)
Undergraduate Internships
Adil Waheed-Penn State University, Summer 1991-Matriculated at medical school
Soma Gupta-University of Michigan, Summer 1991, 1993-Matriculated at Pharm D. school
Thomas Zavoral-Grove City College, Summer 1992, 1994-Matriculated at University of Pittsburgh Medical School
Sandra Mitre-Dartmouth College, Summer 1993-Matriculated at medical school
Jennifer Barnes-Chatham College, Summer 1993
Pierre Barua-Bucknell University, Summer 1994, Summer 1995, Summer 1996
Mark Cardamone-Raynor-University of Pittsburgh, Summer 1995-Matriculated at University of Pittsburgh Medical School. Summer, 1996. ENT Resident University of Minnesota
Ari Goldberg-University of Pittsburgh, Summer 1995-Spring 1997-Matriculated University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Bobby Aichbhaumik-Wayne State University, Summer 1995, Summer 1996-Matriculated at Wayne State University Medical School 1997.
Lexi Wong-Cheng-McGill University, Summer 1995
Devin Dressman-Alfred University, Summer 1996-Matriculated U of Pittsburgh Biomedical Ph.D. Program 1997
Michael Bummer-Cornell University, Summer 1998
William Chong-Penn State University, Summer 1998, Summer 2001-Matriculated at Temple University School of Medicine 2001
Samir Mehta-Duke University, Summer 1998
Scott Barcus-Grove City College, Summer 1998
Bernie Daigle-Cornell University, Summer 1999, Summer 2000, Summer 2002
Michael Sweeny-Ohio University, PTEI Fellowship Summer 1999, Summer 2000
Christine Chong-Penn State University, Summer 1999, Summer 2000, Summer 2001
Nathan Ehrlich-Taylor Allderdice High School, Summer 1999
Cara Rebeck-Wellesley College, Summer 2000
Sandy McMann-Edinboro University of PA., Summer 2000
Angela Harter-Penn State University, Summer 2001
Megan -Penn State University, Summer 2001
Terra Rupert-Allegheny College, Summer 2001
Adam Abdulally-University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2002
Minority Student Internships
Margaret Larkins-Pettigrew-medical student post-sophomore fellowship 1991-1992, Department of Otolaryngology and Pathology-Awarded 1st place for research at the National Medical Student Association Annual Meeting (1992).
Monique Brown-Westinghouse High School, Heritage Minority Student Internships, NIH Sponsored, Summer 1994.
International Guests
Stefan Emler, M.D.-Laboratoire Central de Bacteriolgie, Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve (November 1995, April 1997).
Joseph Gluestein-Israel (1996-1998)
Dai Xiaobin-Sichuan Institute of Parasitic Disease-Sichuan, P.R. China-1997-1998.
Qinhua Liu-Sichuan Institute of Parasitic Disease-Sichuan, P.R. China-1997-1998.
Susanta Roychodhury-Calcutta-awaiting visa.
TeachingMCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine
Graduate Program -Developed Ph.D./M.S. graduate programs in Molecular and Human Genetics at the Allegheny Campus of Allegheny University of the Health Sciences which consisted of a 10 hour 2 semester core course in Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Human Genetics, Cell Biology and Physiology.
First Semester |
Nucleic acid composition |
Nucleic acid 1° structure |
Nucleic acid evolution |
Nucleic acid measurements |
Nucleic acid 2° & 3° structures |
Primitive earth environments and |
Introduction to the Archea |
evolution of life |
The Burckner-Marshall Hypothesis |
Prokarya Genomics-Gene structure |
Prokarya Genomics-Phage genetics |
Methods of flux across membranes |
The synapse and signal propagation |
Saccharide biochemistry and cellular |
Photosynthesis and the Calvin cycle |
energy transduction schemes |
The electron transport chain |
Metabolic rates |
DNA replication history and theory |
Replication of episomal elements |
RNA replication |
RNA modification and structure determinants |
RNA synthesis in vitro |
Operons and prokaryotic mRNA transcription |
Effects of environmental change on gene expression |
Bacterial responses to stimuli |
Eukaryotic transcription-three systems |
Second Semester |
The adaptor hypothesis-Crick |
Bacterial responses to stimuli |
Lysogenic plage and stimuli |
Protein structure analysis |
Protein classes and properties |
Regulation of enzymes |
Enzyme inhibition systems |
Co-enzymes and metal ions |
Protein synthesis and sequence |
Protein structure determination |
Prions and prion diseases |
Intro to Mutations and Evolution |
Designed Mechanisms of Mutation/Bacterial Adaption Theories |
Darwinian and NeoDarwinian Evolution |
Bacterial DNA transfer processes |
Eukaryotic Transposable Elements II |
Cancer Genetics-Oncogenes |
Tumor Suppresor Genes |
Exon Trapping |
Resident Teaching (1998)-Organized didactic curriculum for pathology residents molecular diagnostics rotation-delivered 6 one hour lectures.
University of Pittsburgh
Graduate Students
University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology; Course #2010-Lectured and assisted with testing on human retroviral diagnostics and pathogenesis. (1991)
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; Immunogenetics-Lectured and assisted with testing on molecular based approaches to studying immune system super gene families. (1992, 1993)
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; Makeup and Administration of Ph.D. qualifying exams (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995).
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; Cancer Biology Course-2 lectures: 1) DNA Tumor Viruses; 2) RNA Tumor Viruses (Spring 1993; Spring 1994; Spring 1995; Spring 1996); and examiner for student presentations (1995, 1996).
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; General Human Pathology Course-2 lectures on Retroviral Pathogenesis and Molecular Diagnostics for Infectious Disease (Spring 1995; Spring, 1996).
University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology Course, Lecture on use of Molecular Diagnostics to Develop new insights into chronic infectious processes (Spring 1999; Spring 2000)
Medical Students
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; PMS II Pathology Course-(1991-1992). Sponsored three student presentations: demyelinating diseases; prion protein diseases; human retroviral neoplasias.
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; PMS II Pathology Course-(1992-1993). Sponsored four student presentations: demyelinating diseases; prion protein diseases; human retroviral neoplasias; development of methods to identify new microbial pathogens.
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; Sophomore Pathology Course -lectured on "Diagnosis of Infectious Agents by Molecular Techniques" (Fall 1992).
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology, Small Group Recitation.
Pathology Residents
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Resident training program lecture in Molecular Diagnostics, September, 1992.
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Resident training program lecture in Molecular Diagnostics, January 1993. Coordinate Pathology residents lab rotations through PCR Core Facility.
Coordinated molecular microbiology and nucleic acid amplification strategies sections of the second year Pathology residents course in Molecular Diagnostics. Delivered seven 60-90 minute lectures and helped with preparation of final examination (1993, 1994, 1995).
Coordinated PCR-based detections strategies and molecular microbiology for the Molecular Diagnostics course taught in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (7 lectures). Delivered 2-75 minute lectures and prepared sections of midterm and final exam.
CommitteesAllegheny University of the Health Sciences/MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine/Allegheny General Hosptial
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (1998-Date; Vice Chairman- 2000-Date)
Allegheny General Hospital Chair's Executive Committee (2000-Date)
Allegheny Singer Research Institite, Research Committee (2000-Date)
MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine-School of Medicine Research Committee (2001-Date)
Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative, Inc
Summer Intern Selection Committee (2000, 2001)
University of Pittsburgh (University-wide) Institutional Biosafety Committee (1992-1995; extended to 1997)
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Pathology
Graduate Education Committee (1990)
Curriculum Subcommittee (1990)
Speaker Selection Committee (1991)
Cellular and Molecular Pathology Coordinating Committee (1991-Date)
Graduate Admissions and Education Committee (1991-1994)
Faculty Search Committee-Molecular Biology Position, Magee Hospital
Post Sophomore Fellowship Selection Committee (1992-1993)
Graduate Evaluations Committee (1992-1997)
Research Associate Search Committee (1994)
Research Associate Search Committee Chairman (1995)
Research Associate Search Committee Chairman (1996)
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
Research Associate Search Committee-Cellular Immunologist Position (1991)
PublicationsGlaser, J.B., Coleman, P., Salmon, D., Papsidero, L., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B.J., Duggan, D.: Prevalence of HTLV-I and HIV infection among white parenteral drug abusers. Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome, 1:415-417, 1988.
-Editorials, βInvited Reviews & γCitations |
E-1β |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Caveats of PCR. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 13:149-151, 1991. |
E-2β |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Molecular Methods for Clinical Immunologists: Innovations and Interpretations. AMLI Newsletter 4:6, 1992. |
E-3- |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Editorial requested by Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. (Under development) |
E-4- |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Syndromic Illnesses Demand Multiplex PCR-Based Assays. Molecular Diagnosis 1: 83-87, 1996. |
E-5- |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Otitis Media-Prospects for Management. International Clinical Practice Series, p7, 1996. |
E-6- |
Ehrlich, G.D.: What do new diagnostics tell us about the effectiveness of treatment of otitis media? International Clinical Practice Series, pp 9-13, 1996. |
E-7β |
Ryan, A.F, Diven, W.F., Bakaletz, L.O., Ehrlich, G.D., Juhn, S.K., Jung, T.T.K., and Post, J.C. 5A Biochemistry. Recent Advances in Otitis Media: Report of the Sixth Research Conference. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. 107 (S174), 50-55, 1998. |
E-8β |
Ryan, A.F, Diven, W.F., Bakaletz, L.O., Ehrlich, G.D., Juhn, S.K., Jung, T.T.K., and Post, J.C. 5B Molecuklar Biology. Recent Advances in Otitis Media: Report of the SIxth Research Conference. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. 107 (S174), 50-55, 1998. |
E-9γ |
Potera, C. Forging a Link Between Biofilms and Disease. Science 283:1837-1839, 1999. |
E-10- |
Ehrlich, G.D.* and Post, J.C. Susceptability to Otitis Media: Strong Evidence that Genetics Plays a Role. JAMA 282:2167-2169, 1999 |
E-11β |
Post, J.C. and Ehrlich, G.D*. The Impact of the Polymerase Chain Reaction in Clinical Medicine. JAMA 283:1544-1546 2000 |
-Rapid Publication and -Special Articles |
1.+- |
Bhagavati, S., Ehrlich, G., Kula, R., Sninsky, J., Kwok, S., Udani, O., and Poiesz, B.J.: Detection of human T-cell lymphotropic virus-Type I in the spinal fluid and blood of cases of chronic progressive myelopathy and a clinical, radiological and electrophysicological profile of HTLV-I associated myelopathy. N. Engl. J. Med. 318:1141, 1988. |
2.+- |
Abbott, M., Byrne, B., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J., Poiesz, B., and Ehrlich, G.D.*: Enzymatic gene amplification: Qualitative and quantitative methods for detecting proviral DNA amplified in vitro. J. Inf. Dis. 158:1158-1169, 1988. |
3.- |
Ehrlich, G.D.*, Glaser, J., Abbott, M., Salmon, D.J., Keith, D., Sliwkowski, M., Brandis, J., Keitelman, E., Teramato, Y., Papsidero, L., Sninsky, J.J., and Poiesz, B.J.: Detection of Anti-HTLV-I tax antibodies in HTLV-I ELISA negative risk group members. Blood 74:1066-1072, 1989. |
4.o$- |
Ehrlich, G.D.*, Glaser, J.B., Maese, J., Bryz-Gornia V., Waldmann, T.A., Poiesz, B.J., Greenberg, S.J. and the HTLV-I MS working group. Multiple Sclerosis, Retroviruses and PCR. Neurol. 41:335-343, 1991. |
5.- |
Loughran, T.P., Coyle, T., Sherman, M.P., Starkebaum, G., Ehrlich, G.D., Ruscetti, F.W., Poiesz, B.J. Detection of human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus Type II in a patient with LGL Leukemia. Blood 80:1116-1119, 1992. |
6.- |
Boldt-Houle, D.M., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., Ehrlich, G.D.*: Random depletion of T-cells that bear specific T-cell receptor V- sequences in AIDS patients. J. Leukoc. Biol. 54:486-491, 1993. |
7.-^ |
Preston, R.A., Post, J.C., Keats, B.J.B., Aston, C.E., Ferrell, R.E., Priest, J., Nouri, N., Losken, H.W., Morris, C.A., Hurtt, M.R., Mulvihill, J.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. A gene for Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis maps to the long arm of chromosome 10. Nature Genetics 7:149-153, 1994. |
8.- |
Gorry, M.C., Preston, R.A., White, G.J., Zhang, Y., Singhal, V.K., Losken, H.W., Nwokoro, N.A., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Crouzon Syndrome: Mutations in two spliceoforms of FGFR2 and a common point mutation shared with Jackson-Weiss Syndrome. Hum. Mol. Gen. 4:1387-1390, 1995. |
9.+ |
Whitcomb, D.C., Preston, R.A., Aston, C.E., Sossenheimer, M.J., Barua, P.S., Zhang, Y., Wong-Chong, A., White, G.J., Wood, P.G., Gates, L., Ulrich, C., Martin, S.P., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. A Gene for Hereditary Pancreatitis Maps to an 19 cM Locus on Chromosome 7q35. Gastroenterology. 110:1975-1980, 1996. |
10.+ |
Gemel, Joanna., Gorry, Michael., Ehrlich, G.D., and MacArthur, Craig A. Structure and sequence of human FGF8 gene suggest that several protein isoforms are unimportant for vertebrate development. Genomics 35: 253-257, 1996. |
11. |
Whitcomb, D.C., Gorry, M.C., Preston, R.A., Furey, W.F., Sossenheimer, J.J., Ulrich, C.D., Martin, S.P., Gates, L.K. Jr., Amann, S.T., Toskes, P.P., Liddle, R., McGrath, K. Uomo, G., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Hereditary pancreatitis is caused by a mutation in the cationic trypsinogen gene. Nature Genetics 14:145, 1996. |
12. |
Gorry, M.C., Gabbaizedeh, D., Furey, W., Gates, Jr., L.K., Preston, R.A., Aston, C.E., Zhang, Y., Ulrich, C., Ehrlich, G.D., and Whitcomb, D.C. Multiple mutations in the cationic trypsinogen gene are associated with hereditary pancreatitis. Gastroenterology 113:1063-1068, 1997. |
Peer-Reviewed Literature |
13. |
Merl, S., Kloster, B., Moore, J., Hubbell, C., Tomar, R., Davey, F., Kalinowski, D., Planas, A., Ehrlich, G.D., Clark, D., Comis, R., and Poiesz, B.: Efficient transformation of previously activated and dividing T-lymphocytes by human T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. Blood 64:967-974, 1984. |
14. |
Moore, J.L., Poiesz, B.J., Tomar, R.H., Merl, S.A., and Ehrlich, G.D.: Gamma interferon and AIDS. N. Engl. J. Med. 312:442-443, 1985 (letter). |
15. |
Graziano, S.L., Lehr, B.M., Merl, S.A., Ehrlich, G.D., Moore, J.L., Hallinan, E.J., Hubbell, C., Davey, F.R., Vournakis, J., and Poiesz, B.J.: Quantitative assay of human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus transformation. Cancer Research 47:2468-2473, 1987. |
16. |
Kwok, S., Mack., D.H., Mullis, K.B., Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G., Blair, D., Friedman-Kien, A., and Sninsky J.J.: Identification of human immunodeficiency virus sequences by using in vitro enzymatic amplification and oligomer cleavage detection. J. Virology, 61:1690-1694, May 1987. |
17. |
Krichbaum-Stenger, K., Poiesz, B.J., Keller, P., Ehrlich, G., Gavalchin, J., Davis, B.H., and Moore, J.L.: Specific adsorption of HTLV-I to various target human and animal cells. Blood 70:1303-1311, 1987. |
18. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Han, T., Bettigole, R., Merl, S.A., Lehr, B., Tomar, R.H., and Poiesz, B.J.: HTLV-I associated benign transient immature T-cell lymphocytosis. Amer. J. Hemat. 27:49-55, 1988. |
19. |
Duggan, D.B., Ehrlich, G.D., Davey, F.P., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J., Goldberg, J., Kirshner, J., Baltrucki, L., and Poiesz, B.J.: HTLV-I induced lymphoma mimicking Hodgkin's disease and Wegener's granulomatosis. Diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction amplification of specific HTLV-I sequences in tumor DNA. Blood 71:1027-1032, 1988. |
20. |
Bustros, A., Nelkin, B.D., Silverman, A., Ehrlich, G., Poiesz, B.J., Baylin, S.B.: Regional DNA de-hypermethylation: Implications for human neoplasia. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 85:5693-5697, 1988. |
21. |
Graziano, S.L., Mark, G.E., Murray, C., Mann, D.L., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B.J., Weston, A.: DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism at either end of the c-raf-1 locus at 3p25. Oncogene Res. 3:999-103, 1988. |
22. |
Kwok, S., Ehrlich, G., Poiesz, B., Kalish, R., and Sninsky, J.J.: Enzymatic amplification of HTLV-I viral sequences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and infected tissues. Blood 72:1117-1123, 1988. |
23. |
Kwok, S., Ehrlich, G., Poiesz, B., Bhagavati, S., and Sninsky, J.J.: Characterization of a HTLV-I sequence from a patient with chronic progressive myelopathy. J. Infect. Dis., 158:1193-1197, 1988. |
24. |
Rowley, A.H., Shulman, S.T., Preble, O.R., Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Sullivan, J.R.: Serum interferon levels and retroviral serology in Kawasaki Syndrome. Ped. Inf. Dis. J 7:663-665, Sept., 1988. |
25. |
26. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Davey, F., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J., Kirshner, J., Kalish, R., Planas, A., and Poiesz, B.: A polyclonal CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytosis in a patient doubly infected with HTLV-I and HIV-1. Am. J. Hematol., 30:128-139, 1989. |
27. |
Greenberg, S.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Abbott, M.A., Hurwitz, B.J., Waldmann, T.A., Poiesz, B.J.: Detection of exogenous sequences homologous to human retroviral DNA in Multiple Sclerosis by gene amplification. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 86:2878-2882, 1989. |
28. |
Ehrlich, G.D.*, Glaser J., Lavigne, K., Quan, D., Mildvan, D., Sninsky, K., Papsidero, L., and Poiesz, B.J.: Prevalence of Human T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Virus Type II Infection Among High Risk Individuals: Type-Specific Identification of HTLVs by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Blood 74:1658-1664, 1989. |
29. |
Papsidero, L., Swartzwelder, F., Sheu, M., Montagna, R., Ehrlich, G.D. and Poiesz, B.J. Immunodetection of HTLV-I Core Protein in Biological Samples Using a Monoclonal Antibody Immunoassay. J. Clin. Microbiol. 28:949-955, 1990. |
30. |
Greenberg, S., Jaffe, E., Ehrlich, G.D., Korman, N., Poiesz, B., Waldmann, T.: Kaposi's Sarcoma in human T-cell leukemia virus type I-associated adult T-cell leukemia. Blood 76:971-976, 1990. |
31. |
Gendelman, H.E., Ehrlich, G.D., Bala, L.M., Conley, S., Ribas, J., Kahen, D.C., Meltzen, M.S., Poiesz, B.J., Nara, P.N.: Lack of evidence for protective human immunodeficiency virus infection in chimpanzee monocytes: a unique restricted tropism correlating with lack of disease. J. Virol. 65:3853-3863, 1991 |
32. |
Graziano, S.L., Pfeifer, A.M., Testa, J.R., Hallinan, E.J., Mark, G.E., Johnson, B.E., Pettersill, O.S., Tatum, A.H., Brauch, H., Zbar, B., Flejter, W.L., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B.J.: Involvement of the c-Raf-1 locus, at band 3p25, in the detection of small cell lung cancer. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 3:283-293, 1991. |
33. |
Sullivan, M.T., Williams, A.E., Chyang, F.T., Grandinetti, T., Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., and The American Red Cross HTLV-I/II Collaborative Study Group: Transmission of HTLV-I and HTLV-II to prior recipients of blood products from HTLV-I/II seropositive donors. Archives of Int. Med. 151:2043-2048, 1991. |
34. |
Shankarappa, B., Sirko, A., Ehrlich, G.D.*: A general method for the identification of regions suitable for site-directed silent mutagenesis. Biotechniques 12:382-384, 1992. |
35. |
Ehrlich, G.D.*, Andrews, J.S., Sherman, M.P., Greenberg, S.J., Poiesz, B.J. Analysis of the HTLV-I P21e transmembrane protein gene reveals inter and intra-isolate genetic heterogeneity. Virology 186:619-627, 1992. |
36. |
Sherman, M.P., Ehrlich, G.D., Ferrer, J.F., Sninsky, J.J., Zandomeni, R., Dock, V.L., Poiesz, B.J.: Amplification and analysis of specific DNA and RNA sequences of the bovine leukemia virus from infected cows by the polymerase chain reaction. J. Clin. Microbiol. 30:185-191, 1992. |
37. |
Shankarappa, B., Balachandran, R., Gupta, P., and Ehrlich, G.D.*: Introduction of multiple restriction enzyme sites by in vitro mutagenesis using the polymerase chain reaction. PCR Methods and Applications 1:277-278, 1992. |
38. |
Shankarappa, B., Vijayananda, K., and Ehrlich, G.D.*: SILMUT: A computer program for the identification of regions suitable for silent mutagenesis to introduce restriction enzyme recognition sequences. Biotechniques 12:882-884, 1992. |
39. |
Sullivan, M.T., Williams, A.E., Fang, C.T., Notari, E.P., Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., and the American Red Cross HTLV-I/II Collaborative Study Group: HTLV-I and HTLV-II infection in sexual contacts and family members of sero positive blood donors who are seropositive for HTLV-I and II. Transfusion 33:585-590, 1993. |
40. |
Mateo, R., Demetris, A., Sico, E., Frye, C., Wang, L.-F., El-Sakhawi, Y., Reilly, M., Ehrlich, G.D., Cooper, D., and Fung, J. Early detection of denovo hepatitis C infection in patients after liver transplantation by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Surgery 114:442-448, 1993. |
41. |
Randhawa, P.S., Jaffe, R., Rinaldo, C., Jr., Ho, M., Demetris, A.J., Manez, R., Kusne, S., and Ehrlich, G.D.*: Detection of cytomegalovirus in formalin fixed paraffin embedded donor, native and allograft liver tissue using a multiplex PCR-LH assay. Modern Pathology 7:125-128, 1994. |
42. |
Wadowsky, R.M., Laus, S., Liebert, T., States, S.T., and Ehrlich, G.D.: Inhibition of a PCR-based assay for Bordatella pertussis by calcium alginate. Fiber and aluminum-shaft components of a naso-pharyngeal swab. J. Clin. Microbiol. 32:1054-1057, 1994. |
43. |
Dosik, H., Goldstein, M.F., Poiesz, B.J., Williams, L., Fahnrich, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Dunn, I., and Levine, P.H. Seroprevalence of human T-lymphotropic virus in blacks from a selected central Brooklyn population. Cancer Invest. 12:289-295, 1994. |
44. |
Boldt-Houle, D.M., Nigida, S.M., Jr., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., and Ehrlich, G.D. The T-cell receptor V- repertoire in naive and human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infected chimpanzees. J. Med. Primatol. 23: 241-250, 1994. |
45. |
Randhawa, P.S., Manez, R., Frye, B., and Ehrlich, G.D. Circulating immediate early (IE) mRNA in patients with cytomegaloviral infections after solid organ transplantation. J. Infect. Dis. 170:1264-1267; 1994. |
46. |
Bailer, R.T., Lazo, A., Harisdangkul, V., Ehrlich, G.D., Gray, L.S., Whisler, R.L., and Blakeslee, J.R. Lack of evidence for human T-Cell Lymphotrophic virus type I or II infection is systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis patients. J. Rheumatol. 21:2217-2224; 1994. |
47. |
Sherman, M.P., Dock, N.L., Ehrlich, G.D., Sninsky, J.J., Brothers, C., Gilsdorf, J., Bryz-Gornia, V., and Poiesz, B.J. Evaluation of HIV-1 western blot indeterminate blood donors for the presence of human or bovine retroviruses. AIDS Res. Hum. Retrovirus 11:409-414; 1995. |
48. |
Zhang, Y., Issacman, D., Wadowsky, R.M., Rydquist-White, J., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D.* Detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae in whole blood by PCR. J. Clin. Microbiol. 33:546-601; 1995. |
49. |
Post, J.C., Preston, R.A., Aul, J.J., Larkins-Pettigrew, M., Rydquist-White, J., Anderson, K.W., Wadowsky, R.M., Doyle, W.J., Reagan, D.R., Walker, E.S., Kingsley, L.A., Magit, A.E., Ehrlich, G.D.* Molecular analysis of bacterial pathogens in otitis media with effusion. JAMA 273:1598-1604; 1995. |
50. |
Laifer, S.A., Ehrlich, G.D., Huff, D., Balsam, M., and Scantlebury, V. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in offspring of liver transplant recipients. Clin. Infect. Dis. 20:52-55; 1995. |
51. |
Issacman, D.J., Zhang, Y., Rydquist-White, J., Wadowsky, R.M., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Identification of a patient with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteremia and meningitis by the polymerase chain reaction. Cell. Molec. Probes 9:157-160; 1995. |
52. |
Pou, A.M., Rimell, F.L., Jordan, J.A., Shoemaker, D.L., Johnson, J.T., Barua, P., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D. Adult respiratory papillomatosis: Human papilloma virus (HPV) type and viral coinfections as predictors of prognosis. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. & Laryngol 104: 758-762; 1995. |
53. |
Buchman, C.A., Doyle, W.J., Skoner, D.P., Post, J.C., Alper, C.M., Seroky, J.T., Anderson, K., Preston, R.A., Hayden, F., Fireman, P., and Ehrlich, G.D. Influenza A virus-induced acute otitis media. J. Infect. Dis. 172: 1348-1351;1995. |
54. |
Post, J.C., Aul, J.J., White, G.J., Wadowsky, R.M., Zavoral, T., Tabari, R., Kerber, B., Doyle, W.J., and Ehrlich, G.D.* PCR-based detection of bacterial DNA after antimicrobial treatment is indicative of persistent, viable bacteria in the chinchilla model of otitis media. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 7:1-7;1996. |
55. |
Post, J.C., White, G.J., Aul, J.J., Zavoral, T., Wadowsky, R.M., Preston, R.M., Ehrlich, G.D.* Development and validation of a multiplex PCR-based assay for the upper respiratory tract bacterial pathogens, Hemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. Mol. Diagnosis 1: 29-39;1996. |
56. |
Mañez, R., Kusne, S., Aguado, J.M., St. George, K., Grossi, P., Frye, B., Rinaldo, C., Ehrlich, G. The time of infection after transplantation is the best predictor of disease progression in CMV-seronegative liver recipients of CMV-seropositive allograft. J. Infect. Dis. 173: 1072-6, 1996. |
57. |
Koehler, M., St. George, K., Ehrlich, G.D., and Rinaldo, C. The utility of CMV DNA PCR in peripheral blood of BMT recipients at high risk for CMV disease. Bone Marrow Transplantation (letter) 17: 465-466, 1996. |
58. |
Post, J.C., Mulvihill, J.J., Ehrlich, G.D. A report on the International Genetic Workshop on Crouzon and other Craniofacial Disorders, March 10-11, 1995. Archives Otolaryngol 122: 576-578, 1996. |
59. |
Ehrlich, G.D.*, and Post, J.C. Bacterial DNA in middle-ear effusions. JAMA 275: 186, 1996. |
60. |
Sirko, D.A. and Ehrlich, G.D.* Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of a Neutralization Resistant Breakthrough Population of HIV-1. Virology 218: 238-242, 1996. |
61.& |
Chen, Y. and Ehrlich, G.D.* Comparative analysis of three nucleic acid-based detection systems for hepatitis C virus RNA in plasma from liver transplant recipients. Cellular and Molecular Probes 10: 331-336, 1996. |
62. |
Moschones, N.K., Sporr, N.K., Mao, J., and the Chromosome 10 Workshop Participants. First International Workshop on Human Chromosome 10 Mapping. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 72: 99-112, 1996. |
63. |
Post, J.C., Aul, J.J., White, G.J., Wadowsky, R.D., Doyle, W.J., Fireman, P., Skoner, D.P., Buchman, C.A., and Ehrlich, G.D.* PCR detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis via a multiplex assay following an influenza A virus challenge of the human nasopharynx. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. B.C. Decker, Inc., pp. 421-422, 1996. |
64. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Aul, J.J., White, G.J., Zaworal, T.W., Jr., Kerber, B., Tabari, R., Wadowsky, R.D., Doyle, W.J., and Post, J.C. Persistence of DNA in Middle-ear effusions of chinchillas as determined by the PCR. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. B.C. Decker, Inc., pp. 253-256, 1996. |
65. |
Kenna, M.A.., White, G., Wadowsky, R.D., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Bacteriology of otorhea: polymerase chain reaction versus culture. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. B.C. Decker, Inc., pp. 428-430, 1996. |
66. |
Liederman, E.M., Post, J.C., Aul, J.J., Sirko, D.A., White, G.J., Buchman, C.A., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Analysis of Adult Otitis Media: Polymerase Chain Reaction versus Culture for Bacteria and Viruses. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology 107:10-16, 1998. |
67. |
Boldt-Houle, D.M., Jamieson, B.D., Aldrovandi, G.M., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., Ehrlich, G.D., and Zack, J.A. Loss of T cell receptor V- repertoire in HIV-1 infected SCID-hu mice. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 13: 125-134, 1997. |
68. |
Wadowsky, R.M., Michaels, R.H., Libert, T., Kingsley, L.A., and Ehrlich, G.D. Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Assay for the Detection of Bordetella Pertussis in Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimens. J. Clin. Microbiol. 34: 2645-2649, 1996. |
69. |
Kusne, S., Mañez, R., Frye, B.L., St. George, K., Abu-Elmagd, K., Tabasco-Menguillon, J., Fung, J.J., Todo, S., Rinaldo, C. and Ehrlich, G.D.* Use of DNA amplification for diagnosis of cytomegalovirus enteritis after intestinal transplantation. Gastroenterology 112: 1121-1128, 1997. |
70. |
Koehler, M., St. George, Kirsten, Ehrlich, G.D., Mirro, J., Jr., Neudorf, S.M., and Rinaldo, C.R. Prevention of CMV Disease in Allogenic BMT Recipients by Cytomegalovirus Antigenemia-Guided Preemptive Ganciclovir Therapy. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 19(1):43-47, 1997. |
71. |
Sossenheimer, M.J., Aston, C.E., Preston, R.A., Gates, L.K., Ulrich, C.D., Martin, S. P., Zhang, Y., Gorry, M.C., and Ehrlich, G.D., and Whitcomb, D.C. Clinical characteristics of hereditary pancreatitis in a large family based on high-risk haplotype. American Journal of Gastroenterology Vol. 92, No. 7, 1997. |
72. |
Michael, M.G., Alcendor, D.J., St. George, K., Rinaldo, C.R., Ehrlich, G.D., Becich, M.J., and Hayward, G.S.Distinguishing baboon cytomegalovirus from human cytomegalovirus importance for xenotransplantation. Journal of Infectious Disease 176:1476-83, 1997. |
73. |
Rimell, F.L., Shoemaker, D.L., Pou, A.M., Jordan, J.A., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Analysis of pediatric respiratory papillomatosis: prognostic role of viral typing and co-factors Laryngoscope 107:915-918, 1997. |
74. |
Marshall DJ, Heisler LM, Lyamichev V, Murvine C, Olive DM, Ehrlich G.D., Neri BP, de Arruda M. Determination of hepatitis C virus genotypes in the United States by cleavase fragment length polymorphism analysis. J Clin Microbiol 35:3156-62. 1997 |
75. |
Aul, J.J., Anderson, K.W., Kerber, B., Wadowsky, R., Doyle, W.J., Kingsley, L.A., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D.* A comparative evaluation of culture and PCR for the detection and determination of persistence of bacterial strains and DNAs in the Chinchilla laniger model of otitis media. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 107:508-513, 1998. |
76. |
Rayner, M.G., Zhang, Y., Gorry, M.C., Chen, Y., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Evidence of bacterial metabolic activity in culture-negative otitis media with effusion. JAMA 279:296-299, 1998. Abstracted in Molecular Medicine 4:141, 1998. |
77. |
Bakaletz, L.O., White, G.J., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Blinded multiplex PCR analyses of middle ear and nasopharyngeal fluids from chinchilla models of single and mixed pathogen induced otitis media. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 5(2): 219-224, 1998. |
78. |
!Isaacman, D.J., Zhang, Y., Reynolds, E.A., Ehrlich, G.D. Utility of a polymerase chain reaction-based assay for detection of Pneumococcal Bacteremia in children. Pediatrics 101, No.5:813-816, 1998. |
79. |
Shankarappa, B., Gupta, P., Learn, G.H., Jr., Rodrigo, A.G., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., Gorry, M.C., Mullins, J.I., Nara, P.L., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Evolution of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I Envelope Sequences in Infected Individuals with Differing Disease Progression Profiles. Virology 241:251-259, 1988. |
80. |
Rossi, L, Whitcomb, D.C., Ehrlich, G.D., Gorry, M.C., Parvin, S., Sattar, S, Ali, L., Azad-Khan, A.K., Gyr, N. Lack of R117H mutation in the cationic trypsinogen gene in patients with tropical pancreatitis from Bangladesh. Pancreas 17:278-80. 1998 |
81. |
Duerr, R.H., Barmada, M.M., Zhang, L., Davis, S., Preston, R.A., Chevany, L.J., Brown, I.L., Ehrlich, G.D., Weeks, D.E., Aston, C.E. Linkage and association between inflammatory bowel disease and a locus on chromosome 12. Am J Hum Genet. 63:95-100. 1998. |
82. |
Walker, E.S., Post, J.C., Preston, R.A., and Ehrlich, G.D. Genetic diversity of Moraxella catarrhalis using multiple DNA probes and single-locus PCR-RFLP. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36, No. 7:1977-1983, 1998. |
83. |
Dingman, J.R., Rayner, M.G., Mishra, S., Zhang, Y. Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Correlation between presence of viable bacteria and presence of endotoxin in middle-ear effusions. J. Clin Microbiol.36:3417-3419, 1998. |
84. |
¥Zhang, Y., Gorry, M.C., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Genomic Organization of the Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Gene and Comparative Analyses of the Human FGFR Gene Family. Gene 230:69-79, 1999. |
85. |
Ozen, R.S., Baysal, B.E., Devlin, B., Farr, J.E., Gorry, M., Ehrlich, G.D., Oour, G. and Richard, C.W. Fine mapping of the split hand-split foot (SHFM3) locus at 10q24: Evidence for anticipation and segregation distortion. American Journal of Human Genetics 64:1646-1654,1999. |
86. |
Glustein JZ, Zhang Y, Wadowsky RM, Ehrlich GD. 1999. Development of a simplex polymerase chain reaction-based assay for the detection of Neisseria meningitidis. Mol Diagn 4:233-40. |
87. |
Poiesz, B.J., Papsidero, L.D., Ehrlich, G.D., Sherman, M., Dillon, K., Ruscetti, F.W., Slamon, D., Fang, C., Williams, A., Duggan D., Glaser, J., Gottlieb, A., Goldberg, J., Ratner, L., Phillips, P., Han, T., Friedman-Kien, A., Siegal, F., Rai, K., Sawitsky, A., Sninsky, J., Cunningham, C., and Montagna R. The prevalence of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Types I and II in various patient populations, retroviral risk groups and healthy blood donors. American Journal of Hematology 66: 32-38, 2001. |
88. |
Darden, D.L., Hu, Fen Ze, Gorry, M.C., Dressman, D., Li, H.S., Whitcomb, D.C., Dohar, J., Ehrlich, G.D.* RNA differential display of scarless wound healing in fetal rabbit indicates downregulation of a CCT chaperonin subunit and upregulation of a glycophorin-like gene transcript. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2000 35:406-19. |
89. |
Dry, G.M., Yasinskaya Y.I., Williams, J.K., Ehrlich, G.D., Preston, R.A., Hu, F.Z., Gruss, J.S., Ellenbogen, R., and Cunningham, M.L. Inhibition of apoptosis: a potential mechansim for syndromic craniosynostosis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 107:425-32, 2001. |
90. |
Garth D. Ehrlich*, Howard J. Hoffman, H. Ronald Zielke, Gregory J. White, Fen Ze Hu, Robert Vigorito, Jeffrey R. Dingman, Therese Libert, John E. Smialek, and J. Christopher Post. Molecular epidemiological studies of common bacterial and viral respiratory pathogens in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media (In Press) 2002 |
91. |
+Hu F.Z., Preston R.A., Post J.C., White J.G., Kikuchi L., Wang X., Self T.W., Allen G., Stiffler R.S., McGraw C., Pulsifer-Anderson E.A., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Mapping of a gene for pediatric gastroesophageal reflux to chromosome 13q: a collaboration with a family self-help group. JAMA 284: 325-334, 2000. |
92. |
Li, H. S., Hebda, P.A., Kelly L.A., Ehrlich, G.D., Whitcomb, D.C., and Dohar J.E. Prostaglandin EP4 receptor mRNA is upregulated in fetal rabbit skin wound. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 126(11):1337-43, 2000. |
93. |
Amann, S.T., Gates, L.K., Preston, R.A., Gorry, M.C., Aston, C.E., Ehrlich, G.D., and Whitcomb, D.C. Nonpenetrance of the Hereditary Pancreatitis Phenotype may be Independent of Genotype: A Study of Monozygotic Twins. (In press). |
94. |
Hu, F.Z., Post, J.C., Johnson, S., Ehrlich, G.D., and Preston, R.A. Reduction of the GER gene region on 13q 14 and exclusion of the 5-HT2A Receptor Gene as cause of Hereditary Severe Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux. Human Genetics. 107:519-25, 2000. |
95. |
Ehrlich, G.D.*, Hu, F.Z., Preston, R.A., and Post, J.C. The Spectrum of Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux. (letter) JAMA. 284:3125. 2000. |
96. |
Heike, C., Seto, M., Ehrlich, G.D., Preston, R.A., Hu, F.Z., Hing, A., Jackson, C., Palidin, A., Cunningham, M. A Centruy of Jackson-Weiss Syndrome: Further Definition of Clinical and Radiographic Findings in 'Lost' Descendants of the Original JWS Kindred. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 100:315-324, 2001. |
97. |
Sauer, K., Camper, A.K., Ehrlich, G.D., Costerton, J.W., and Davies, D.G. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Displays Multiple Phenotypes during Development of a Biofilm. Journal of Bacteriology 184:1140-1154, 2002. |
98. |
°Ehrlich, G.D.*, Veeh, R., Wang, X., Costerton, J.W., Hayes, J.D., Hu, F.Z., Daigle, B.J., Ehrlich, M.D., Post, J.C. Mucosal Biofilm Formation on Middle-ear Mucosa in the Chinchilla Model of Otitis Media. JAMA 287:1710-1715, 2002. |
99. |
Dunne, M.W., Ehrlich, G.D., Hu, F.Z., Khurana, C., Arguedas, M.A., Rodrigues, A., Arrieta, A., McLinn, S., Krogsatd, J.A., Blattner, M., Schwartz, R., Emparanza, P., Gooch III, W., Aspin, M., Podgore, J., Roine, I., Blumer, J., Johnson, S., Hayes, J., and Chow, J. Treatment of Acute Otitis media with a Single Dose of Azithromycin: Clinical Outcome by Bacterial Pathogen Diagnosed by Either Culture or Polymerase Chain Reaction. (submitted) |
100. |
Dunne, M.W., Khurana, C., Arguedas, M.A., Rodrigues, A., Arrieta, A., McLinn, S., Krogsatd, J.A., Blattner, M., Schwartz, R., Vargas. S., Emparanza, P., Fernandez , P., Gooch III, W., Aspin, M., Podgore, J., Roine, I., Blumer, J., Ehrlich, G.D.and Chow, J. Microbiologic and Clinical Efficacy of Single Dose Azithromycin in the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media (submitted) |
101. |
Erdos, G., Sayeed, S., Antalis, P., Hu, F.Z., Hayes, J., Goodwin, J., Dopico, R.J., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Development and Characterization of a Pooled Haemophilus influenzae Genomic Library for the Evaluation of Gene Expression Changes Associated with Mucosal Biofilm Formation (submitted) |
102. |
Garth D. Ehrlich, Geza Erdos, Fen Ze Hu, Patty Antalis, Sameera Sayeed, Kai Shen, Xue Wang, Jay Hayes, Rick Veeh, William J. Costerton, J. Christopher Post. Pathogens Utilize a Distributed Genome as a Supra-Virulence Factor (In preparation). |
103. |
Glaser, J.B., Ehrlich, G.D., Elsayegh, S., Greifinger, R., Dube, D.K., Benz, P., Dube, S., Atwood, S., Cummings, T., and Poiesz, B.J. HTLV-II coinfection among HIV-1 infected prison inmates (Submitted) |
104. |
F.Z. Hu, A. Nyström, A. Ahmed, R. Dopico, I. Mossberg, M. Palmquist, J. Gladitz, M. Rayner, J.C. Post, R.A. Preston, and G.D. Ehrlich. Mapping a Gene for Dupuytren contracture to chromosome 16 in two Swedish families. (In preparation) |
105. |
Zhang, Y., and Ehrlich, G.D.* Characterization of the human fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene promoter. (In preparation). |
106. |
Krakora, S., Pollice A., Cunningham M.L., Ornitz D., Post, J. C. and Ehrlich, G.D.* Mutant FGFR2-induced Down Regulation of Apoptosis in Osteoblasts as a mechanism of cranial synostosis (In Preparation) |
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Genebank DNA Sequence Submissions
1. |
Whitcomb, D.C., Gorry, M.C., Preston, R.A., Furey, W., Sossenheimer, M.J., Ulrich, C.D., Martin, S.P., Gates, L., Amann, S.T., Toskes, P.P., Liddle R., McGrath, K., Uomo, G., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Hereditary pancreatitis is caused by a mutation in the cationic trypsinogen gene. |
2. |
MCU73324-Walker, E.S., Preston, R.A., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D., and Klingman, K.L. Moraxella catarrhalis glycyl-tRNA synthetase-subunit (GlyRS) and NAD repressive NMN transportor NADRp (NadR) genes, partial cds, and glycyl-tRNA synthetase-subunit (GlyRS) gene, complete cds (3725 bp) 11/4/96. |
(This section has not been updated recently)
B-1 |
Ehrlich, G.D., and Greenberg, S.J.: PCR-Based Diagnostics In Infectious Disease. Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1994, 697 pages (Textbook and Laboratory Manual)-on Blackwell's Best Seller List. |
Monographs Edited
J-1 |
Adams, D. and Ehrlich, G.D. International Clinical Practice Series. Otitis Media-Prospects for Management. Kent: Wells Medical Limited, 1996. |
Invited and Contribued Chapters
C-1 |
Poiesz, B.J., Moore, J.L., Merl, S.A., Tomar, R.H., Zamkoff, K.W., Davey, F.R., Planas, A.T., Gottlieb, A.J., Runge, L.A., Cowan, B.Y., Reeves, W.G., Ehrlich, G.D., Ruscetti, F.W., Han, T., Cabradillo, C.D., and Comis, R.L. Biology and Epidemiology of Human T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Virus, 1984. |
C-2 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Correlation of molecular and clinical parameters of human T-lymphotropic retroviral infections, Ph.D. Dissertation, University Microfilms, 1987. |
C-3 |
Ehrlich, G.D. and Poiesz, B.J. Clinical and molecular parameters of HTLV-I infection. In: Clinics in Laboratory Medicine (eds. Davey, F. and Saunders, W.B.) 8:65-84, 1988. |
C-4 |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Papsidero, L., and Sninsky, J.J. Detection of Human Retroviruses. In: AIDS: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention 2nd edition, (eds. Devita, V., Hellman, S., Rosenberg, S., Lippincott) 137-154, 1988. |
C-5 |
Kwok, S., Mack, D., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B., Dock, N., Alter, H., Mildvan, D., Grieco, M., and Sninsky, J. Enzymatic amplification of HIV viral sequences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: HIV detection by genetic engineering methods, (eds. Luciw, P.A. and Steimer, K.S., Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York) 243-255, 1988. |
C-6 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The biology and spectrum of disease associated with human retroviruses. (Requested Seminars in Neurology). |
C-7 |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Byrne, B.C., Abbott, M., Kwok, S., and Sninsky, J.J. Use of PCR in the detection, quantification and characterization of human retroviruses. In: Current Communications in Molecular Biology: Polymerase Chain Reaction. Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor; pp 159-164, 1989. |
C-8 |
Ehrlich, G.D., Greenberg, S. and Abbott, M. Detection of human T-cell lymphoma/leukemia viruses (HTLV). Chapter 39, In: PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications (eds. Innis, M.A., Gelfand, D.H., Sninsky, J.J., White, T.J.). Academic Press, San Diego; 325-336, 1990. |
C-9 |
Ehrlich, G.D., Abbott, M.A., Hurwitz, B.J., Waldman, T.A., Poiesz, B.J., Greenberg, S.J. Evidence for homologous retroviral sequences in multiple sclerosis by enzymatic gene amplification. In: UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology: Early Human Retroviruses. New Series, Vol. 119: (eds. Groopman, J.E., Chen, I., Essex, M., and Weiss, R. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc.) 1990; pp. 373-382. |
C-10 |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Byrne, B., Wells, K., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J.: The Use of the PCR in the Detection, Quantification and Characterization of Human Retroviruses. In: Medical Virology IX (eds. Delamaza, I.M. and Peterson, E.M.). Plenum Press, New York, NY; pp. 47-75, 1990. |
C-11 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Utilization of PCR-Based Technology: Retroviral Pathogenesis Studies. In: Clinical Chemistry 37:609-610, 1991. |
C-12 |
Ehrlich, G.D., and Sirko, D.A.: The Polymerase Chain Reaction and its role in Clinical Diagnostics. In:-PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 3-18, 1994. |
C-13 |
Sirko, D.A. and Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR Laboratory Facilities, Protocols and Operations. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 19-44, 1994. |
C-14 |
Ehrlich, G.D. and Sirko, D.A.: Parameters for Maximizing the Sensitivity and Specificity of the Polymerase Chain Reaction. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 45-56, 1994. |
C-15 |
Greenberg, S.J., and Ehrlich, G.D.: Introduction to PCR for Pathogenic Organisms for Specific Organ Systems. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 133-136,1994. |
C-16 |
Magit, A., Ehrlich, G.D., Post, J.C.: Applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction to the Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 193-212, 1994. |
C-17 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Laboratory Protocols for the PCR-based Detection of Infectious Disease Agents. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 335-340, 1994. |
C-18 |
Mateo, R., Faruki, H., Cooper, D., Demetris, A.J., Ehrlich, G.D.: Detection of Hepatitis C Virus RNA in Liver and Plasma by RT-PCR-Liquid Hybridization. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 375-398, 1994. |
C-19 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-Based Laboratory Methods for the Detection of the Human Retroviridae and Hepadnaviridae. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 415-446, 1994. |
C-20 |
Post, J.C., Pettigrew, M., Magit, A.E., Ehrlich, G.D., Bernstein, J., Greenberg, S.J., Glenister, N., and Evans, M.J.: PCR-based Strategies for the Detection of Hemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae DNA Associated with Diseases of the Ears, Nose and Throat. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 593-608. |
C-21 |
Wadowsky, R.M., Libert, T., Ehrlich, G.D.: Detection of Bordatella pertussis by PCR. In: PCR-Based Diagnostics in Infectious Disease (eds. Ehrlich, G.D. and Greenberg, S.J.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston; 621-632, 1994. |
C-22 |
Chen, Y., and Ehrlich, G.D.: Organization and Structure y a Modern Molecular Diagnostics Lab Orienting. In: Clinical Diagnostic Immunology (eds Nakarmua, R.M., Burek, C.L., Cook, L., Folds, J.D., and Sever, J.L.) Blackwell Science: Boston (In Press). |
C-23 |
Zhang, Y., and Ehrlich, G.D.: Molecular Assays for Infectious Diseases and Syndromes. In: Clinical Diagnostic Immunology (eds Nakarmua, R.M., Burek, C.L., Cooh, L., Folds, J.D., and Sever, J.L) Blackwell Science: Boston (In Press). |
C-24 |
Post, J.C. and Ehrlich, G.D.: Otologic disorders in the HIV-Positive Child. In: Grundfast K, Lalwani AK (eds). Pediatric Otology & Neurotology. Philadelphia: Lippicott, Raven, pp. 479-485, 1998. |
C-25 |
Shen, K., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D.: Molecular and Translational Research Approaches for the study of Bacterial Pathogenesis in Otitis Media. In: Rosenfeld, R., and Bluestone, C.D. (eds). Evidence-based Otitis Media, 2nd Edition. Hamilton: B.C. Decker Inc. (In prepartion) (2003) |
Posters and Slide Presentations |
A-1. |
Poiesz, B., Moore, J., Merl, S., Tomar, R., Zamkoff, K., Davey, F., Planas, A., Gottlieb, A., Runge, L., Cowan, B., Reeves, W., Ruscetti, F., Han, T., Cabradillo, C., Ehrlich, G.D., and Comis, R.: Biology and epidemiology of HTLV. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 237-247, 1984. (Oral Presentation) |
A-2. |
Poiesz, B., Zamkoff, K., Merl, S., Moore, J., Davey F., Tomar, R., Ehrlich, G.D., Comis, R., Gottlieb, A., and Goldberg, J. Detection of anti-HTLV antibodies and HTLV proteins in patients with myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood 62:108a, 1983. |
A-3. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Moore, J., Tomar, R. et. al.: Integrated HTLV proviral DNA in the splenocyte of a patient with AIDS. J. Cell. Biochem. (Suppl). 8A:1, 1984). |
A-4. |
Poiesz, B., Tomar, R., Merl, S., Moore, J., Kloster, B., Planas, A., Han, T., Cabradillo, C., Ehrlich, G.D., Comis, R., and Gottlieb, A.: Detection of human T-cell lymphoma/leukemia virus (HTLV) in patients with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS) or generalized lymphadenopathy syndrome (GLS). Blood 62:1151, 1983. |
A-5. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Blair, D., Kloster, B., et. al.: HTLV-I homologous sequences in fresh and cultured cells from AIDS and ARC patients. Cold Spring Harbor RNA Tumor Virus Meeting. 1984. |
A-6. |
Poiesz, B., Tomar R., Ehrlich, G.D., Merl, S., Moore, J., Planas, A., Han, T., Kloster, B., Cabradilla, C., Blair, D., Zamkoff, K., and Comis, R.: Association of HTLV with AIDS. Proc. Amer. Soc. Clin. Onc. 3:13, 1984. (Oral Presentation) |
A-7. |
Merl, S., Cowan, B., Graziano, S., Ehrlich, G.D., Hubbell, C., Planas, A., Tomar, R., Davey, F., Moore, J., Comis, R., and Poiesz, B.: A quantitative assay for HTLV transformation. Proc. Amer. Soc. Clin. Onc. 3:5, 1984. (Oral Presentation) |
A-8. |
Lehr, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Davey, F., et. al.: HTLV-I associated benign T-cell lymphocytosis. Amer. Soc. Clin. Onc. 4:12, March, 1985. |
A-9. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Lehr, B., Davey, F., Planas, A., Kershner, J., Moore, J., Johnston, L., Davis, B., Halinan, E., Vournakis, J., and Poiesz, B.: Genomic characterization of an HTLV-I subtype isolated from a patient with a benign lymphocytosis. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Conference on AIDS. Cold Spring Harbor, NY, May 21-26, 1985. |
A-10. |
Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Moore, J.L., Friedman-Kien, A., LaFleur, F., Montagna, R., and Papsidero, L.: Incidence of HTLV-III infection in the semen of AIDS and ARC patients. Clinical Research, 34(2): 529A, April, 1986. (Oral Presentation) |
A-11. |
Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Moore, J., et. al.: HTLV-III detection in blood and semen. New York Academy of Sciences Meeting, 1986. (Oral Presentation) |
A-12. |
Kwok, S., Mack., D., Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Blair, D., Friedman-Kien, A., and Sninsky, J.: Detection of AIDS viral nucleic acid sequences by enzymatic amplification. International Conference of AIDS, Paris, France, 1986. |
A-13. |
LaFleur, F.L., Friedman-Kien, A.E., Hennessey, N.P., Wernz, J.C., Montagna, R., Ehrlich, G.D., and Poiesz, B.J.: Prevalence of HTLV-III infection in peripheral blood (PB), seminal mononuclear and cell-free semen of ARC and AIDS-associated Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS) patients: Preliminary analysis. International Conference on AIDS. Paris, France, 1986. |
A-14. |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Papsidero, L., Montagna, R., Kwok, S., Mack, D., and Sninsky, J.J.: Methods for the detection of HIV antibodies, antigens and nucleic acids. (Presented at WHO meeting, October 1986, Paris, France). |
A-15. |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Kwok, S. and Sninsky, J.J.: Gene amplification as a tool for detection and analysis of human retroviruses. Amer. Assoc. for Cancer Res. Proceedings, 1987. |
A-16. |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Papsidero, L., Montagna, R., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J., et. al.: Incidence of seronegativity to HIV and HTLV-I in individuals infected with either virus. III International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), June 1-5, 1987, p. 114. |
A-17. |
Sninsky, J.J., Kowk, S., Mack, D., Ehrlich, G.D., Ullrich, P., Poiesz, B., et. al.: Identification of HIV sequence in DNA extracted directly from peripheral blood lymphocytes and bone marrow using in vitro DNA amplification. III International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Washington, D.C., June 1-5, 1987, p 207. (Oral Presentation) |
A-18. |
Mildvan, D., Desjarlais, D., Sotheran, J., Dawson, G., Shonekan, D., Allain, J.P., Kouzi, A.C., Lee, H., Weber, J., Stoneburner, R., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B.: Prevalence and significance of HTLV-I in a cohort of IV drug users in New York [abstract #4517]. IV International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 12-16, 1988. |
A-19. |
Abbott, M.A., Poiesz, B.J., Byrne, B.C., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J.J., Ehrlich, G.D.: Methods for detecting proviral DNA amplified in vitro and their use for analysis of retroviral variants. 21st Adirondacks Molecular Biology and Genetics Conference, Blue Mountain Lake, NY, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1988. |
A-20. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Abbott, M.A., Greenberg, S., Bhagavati, S., Sninsky, J.J., Kwok, S., Poiesz, B.J.: Association of human retroviruses with neurological diseases. 21st Adirondacks Molecular Biology and Genetics Conference, Blue Mountain Lake, NY, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1988. (Oral Presentation) |
A-21. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Quan, D., Lavigne, K., Sninsky, J.J., Poiesz, B.J.: Simultaneous screening for multiple human retroviruses in risk group individuals via the polymerase chain reaction and liquid hybridization. AAAS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Jan. 14-19, 1989. (Oral Presentation) |
A-22. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Abbott, M.A., Bhagavati, S., Glaser, J.B., Sliwkowski, M., Sninsky, J.J., Poiesz, B.J.: Detection of anti-HTLV-I Tax antibodies in HTLV-I ELISA negative individuals and TSP/HAM patients: Confirmation of infection by PCR. UCLA Meeting Human Retroviruses, Tamarron CO., Feb. 4-11, 1989. |
A-23. |
Greenberg, S.J., Jacobson, S., Abbott, M.A., Bhagavati, S., McFarlin, D.E., Poiesz, B.J., Waldman, J.A., Ehrlich, G.D.*: Variability of provirus from HTLV-I associated tropical spastic paraparesis and adult T-cell leukemia detected by gene amplification. UCLA Meeting on Human Retroviruses. Tamarron, CO., Feb. 4-11, 1989. |
A-24. |
Greenberg, S.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Abbott, M.A., Hurwitz, B.J., Waldman, T.A., Poiesz, B.J.: Demonstration of retroviral sequences related to human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus, Type I in Multiple Sclerosis by gene amplification. 41st Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, April 13-14, 1989. (Oral Presentation) |
A-25. |
Poiesz, B.J., Abbott, M.A., Glaser, J.B., Greenberg, S.J., Bhagavati, S., Sninsky, J.J., Kwok, S. and Ehrlich, G.D. Polymerase chain reaction and the detection of human retroviruses. UCLA Meeting, Keystone CO, April 1989. |
A-26. |
Abbott, M.A., Poiesz, B.J., Byrne, B.C., Kwok, S., Sninsky, J.J. and Ehrlich, G.D.: Methods for detecting proviral DNA amplified in vitro and their use for analysis of retroviral variants. UCLA Meeting Human Retroviruses, Tamarron, CO, Feb. 4-11, 1989. |
A-27. |
Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Papsidero, L., Montagna, R. and the HTLV-I working group: Seroprevalence of HTLV-I in various patient populations. UCLA Meeting Human Retroviruses, Tamarron, CO, Feb. 4-11, 1989. |
A-28. |
Glaser, J., Monnier, J., D'Angelo, K., Drakatos, A., Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., et al. Prevalence of syphilis, HTLV-I, HTLV-II and HIV-1 among crack and other drug users. 5th International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA; June 4-9, 1989. |
A-29. |
Glaser, J.B., Poiesz, B.J., Sliwkowski, M., Simpkins, H., J.J., Ehrlich, G.D., et al. Anti-HTLV-I Tax ELISA for detection of infection in standard HTLV-I ELISA negative intravenous drug users. 5th International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA; June 4-9, 1989. |
A-30. |
Brew, B.J., Hardy, W., Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Larimore, M., Gold, J., Bhalla, R., Schwartz, M., Price R.W. Transfusion-related HTLV-I neurological disease: A putative marker of disease activity and response to therapy. 5th International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA; June 4-9, 1989. |
A-31. |
Nara, P.L., Hatch, W., Kessler, J., Kelliher, J., Ehrlich, G.D., Gendelman, H., et al. Macrophages simultaneously derived from virus-containing peripheral blood mononuclear cells in HIV-1 IIIB infected chimpanzees do not contain virus. 5th International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA; June 4-9, 1989. (Oral Presentation) |
A-32. |
Nara, P., Hatch, W., Ehrlich, G.D., Ward, J., Conley, S., Merges, M., Kelliher, J., Gendelman, H. The biology of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee: A unique state of in vivo and in vitro monocyte/macrophage resistance to infection, compartmentalization and controlled viral replication. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Retroviruses and Oncogenes, 1989. (Oral Presentation) |
A-33. |
Paolozzi, F.P., Ehrlich, G.D., Bacha, P., Nichols, J.C., Bhagavati, S., Ratner, L., Poiesz, B.J.: Effect of recombinant interleukin-2-diptheria toxin fusion protein on fresh and cultured HTLV-I infected T-lymphocytes: Inhibition of viral load as assessed by polymerase chain reaction. 3rd Annual Retrovirology Conference, Maui, Hawaii. Feb. 12-14, 1990. (Oral Presentation) |
A-34. |
Levine, P.H., Dosik, H., Goldstein, M., Sedjo, R., Poiesz, B.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Williams, C.: The American adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma repository (ATLR): Recent observations. 3rd Annual Retrovirology Conference, Maui, Hawaii. Feb. 12-14, 1990. |
A-35. |
Williams, A.E., Sullivan, M.T., Fang, C.T., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B.J., Sandler, S.G., and the American Red Cross HTLV-I/II Study Group.: Characterization of demography and risk in blood donors infected with HTLV-I/II. 3rd Annual Retrovirology conference, Maui, Hawaii. Feb. 12-14, 1990. |
A-36. |
Sherman, M., Ehrlich, G.D., Poiesz, B.J.: Applications of inverse PCR to the amplification of sequences flanking the LTR of HTLV-I. 3rd Annual Retrovirology Conference, Maui, Hawaii. Feb. 12-14, 1990. (Oral Presentation) |
A-37. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Lapinski, D., Glaser, J.D., Abbott, M.A., Poiesz, B.J.: Type-specific HTLV diagnosis from stored plasma or serum by reverse transcriptase-PCR. 3rd Annual Retrovirology Conference, Maui, Hawaii. Feb. 12-14, 1990. (Oral Presentation) |
A-38. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Waldmann, T.A., Poiesz, B.J., et al. Retroviral-associated genetic sequences in multiple sclerosis and other diseases: A second-phase large scale population appraisal. American Academy of Neurology, Annual Meeting, May 1990. (Oral Presentation) |
A-39. |
Glaser, J.B., Jacobs, F., Greifinger, R., Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., Type-specific detection of HTLV-I/II viral DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) & viral RNA in plasma by reverse transcriptase (RT) PCR among prison inmates. Sixth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, CA, June 20-24, 1990. |
A-40. |
Dosik, H., Goldstein, M., Dunn, I., Williams, L., Fahnrich, B., Maloof, R., Levine, P., Ehrlich, G.D., and Poiesz, B. Prevalence of HTLV-I in blacks from Central Brooklyn. ASCO Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May 20-22, 1990. |
A-41. |
Sullivan, M.T., Williams, A.E., Fang, C., Grandinetti, T., Poiesz, B., Ehrlich, G.D., and The HTLV-I/II Study Group. Transmission of HTLV-I and HTLV-II to prior recipients of blood products from seropositive donors. American Association of Blood Bankers, 1990 Annual Meeting. |
A-42. |
Sherman, M.P., Ehrlich, G.D., and Poiesz, B.J. Application of inverse PCR and ligation mediated PCR to the amplification of sequences flanking the LTR of HTLV-1. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology, November, 1990. |
A-43. |
Sherman, M.P., Ehrlich, G.D., Sninsky, J.J., Kwok, S., Ferrer, J.F., and Poiesz, B.J. Amplification of gene sequences of the bovine leukemia virus by the polymerase chain reaction. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology, November, 1990. |
A-44. |
Williams, A.E., Sullivan, M.T., Fang, C.T., Sandler, S.G., Poiesz, B.J. and Ehrlich, G.D. and the American Red Cross Collaborative HTLV study group. Differential characterization of HTLV-I and HTLV-II infection in U.S. blood donors. 4th International Retrovirus Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica, February 10-14, 1991. (Oral Presentation) |
A-45. |
Sherman, M.P., Ehrlich, G.D., Sninsky, J.J., Ferrer, J.F., Zandomeni, R., and Poiesz, B.J. Amplification and analysis of specific gene sequences of the bovine leukemia virus from infected cows by the polymerase chain reaction. 4th International Retrovirus Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica, February 10-14, 1991. |
A-46. |
Sherman, M.P., Ehrlich, G.D., and Poiesz, B.J. Application of inverse PCR and ligation mediated PCR to the amplification of sequences flanking the LTR of HTLV-I. 4th International Retrovirus Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica, February 10-14, 1991. |
A-47. |
Post, J.C., Magit, A.E., Eagle, L.R., Bluestone, C.D., Ehrlich, G.D. The polymerase chain reaction for identification of bacterial DNA in Middle-Ear effusions. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 2-6, 1992. (Oral Presentation) |
A-48. |
Post, J.C., Magit, A.E., Ehrlich, G.D. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR): Applications in pediatric otolaryngology. Association of Pediatric Otolaryngology. Palm Desert, California, April 13-15, 1992. (Oral Presentation) |
A-49. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Pettigrew, M., Magit, A.E., Post, J.C. Development of PCR-based technologies for the detection of bacteria in middle-ear effusion. The Molecular Biology of Hearing and Deafness. La Jolla, California, May 1-4, 1992. (Oral Presentation) |
A-50. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Andrews, J., Sherman, M.P., Greenberg, S.J., Poiesz, B.J.: HTLV-I is present in vivo as a quasispecies. Fifth International Conference on Human Retrovirology HTLV, Kumamoto, Japan, May 11-13, 1992. (Selected for oral presentation, but could not attend). |
A-51. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Hamilton, P., Faruki, H., Malone, M., Chen, Y., Sirko, D.A., Stringos, L., Nguyen, M., Uhrin, M. Development and analysis of a multiplex PCR-liquid hybridization (LH) assay for the detection of Borrelia burgdorferi in clinical samples. Fifth International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis. Arlington, Virginia, May 30-June 2, 1992. |
A-52. |
Faruki, H., Hamilton, P.J., Malone, M., Nguyen, M., Ehrlich, G.D. A multiplex polymerase chain-reaction-based assay to detect Borrelia burgdorferi in blood, synovial fluid and cerebrospinal fluid. 32nd ICAAC Meeting, Anaheim, CA, October 11-14, 1992. |
A-53. |
Isaacman, D.J., Wadowsky, R.M., Post, J.C., Wald, E.R., Hamilton, P.J., Libert, T.A., Ehrlich, G.D. Utility of the polymerase chain reaction for detecting S. pneumoniae in blood. American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 9-11, 1992 (Oral Presentation). |
A-54. |
Post, J.C., Larkins-Pettigrew, M., Ryndquist-White, J., Chen, Y., Ehrlich, G.D. Detection of Hemophilus influenzae DNA in culturally sterile middle-ear effusions by PCR utilizing two primer sets. Association for Research in Otolaryngology. St. Petersburg Beach, FL, February 7-11, 1993. (Oral Presentation). |
A-55. |
Mateo, R., Demetris, A.J., Ehrlich, G.D., Cooper, D., Frye, B., Sico, E., El-Sakherri, Y., and Fung, J.J. Clinical assay for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) detection in liver biopsies using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The Society of University Surgeons. 54th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, February 11-13, 1993. |
A-56. |
Boldt-Houle, D.M., Zavoral, T., Huang, X.-L., Rinaldo, C.R., Ehrlich, G.D. Analyses of the TCR- repertoire in CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte populations of HIV-1 infected subjects. Keystone Meeting on HIV Pathogenesis. Albuquerque, NM, March 21-April 4, 1993. |
A-57. |
Kusne, S., Manez, R., Abu-El Magd, K., Furu Kawa, H., Rinaldo, C.R., St. George, K., Demetris, A.J., Fung, J.J., Todo, S., Starzl, T.E., Ehrlich, G.D. Value of CMV DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction in early diagnosis of CMV disease in small bowel allograft samples. American Society of Transplant Physicians. Houston, TX, May 1993. |
A-58. |
Wadowsky, R.M., Laus, S., Libert, T., States, S.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. Inhibition of a polymerase chain reaction-based assay for Bordatella pertussis by a calcium alginate swab. ASM Conference on Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran, WY, September 26-30, 1993. |
A-59. |
Post, J.C., Preston, R.A., Reagan, D.R., Walker, E.S., and Ehrlich, G.D. PCR identification of M. catarrhalis DNA in chronic otitis media with effusion. Minneapolis, MN, September, 1993 (Oral Presentation). |
A-60. |
Boldt-Houle, D.M., Nigida, S., Rinaldo, C.R., and Ehrlich, G.D. Analyses of the TCR V- repertoire in the PBMCs of naive and HIV-1 infected chimpanzees. The First National Conference on Human Retroviruses and Related Infections. Washington, DC, December 12-16, 1993. |
A-61. |
Laifer, S.A., Ehrlich, G.D., Huff, D.S., Balsan, M.J., and Scantlebury, V.P. Cytomegalovirus infection in offspring of liver transplant recipients. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, January 24-29, 1994. |
A-62. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Anderson, K.W., Riera, A., Wadowsky, R.M., Preston, Post, J.C. Development of a multiplex-PCR assay for respiratory viruses. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, February, 1994 (Oral Presentation). |
A-63. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Aul, J.J., Anderson, K.W., Doyle, W.J., Kerber, B., Post, J.C. Time course comparison of Hemophilus Influenzae persistence by culture and PCR in the chinchilla laniger middle ear following infection and treatment. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg, FL, February, 1994 (Oral Presentation). |
A-64. |
Wadowsky, R.M., Libert, T., Lang, S., and Ehrlich, G.D. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Bordatella pertussis in nasopharyngeal swab specimen. ASM Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May, 1994. |
A-65. |
-Isaacman, D.J., Zhang, Y., Weld, E.R., Wadowsky, R.M., and Ehrlich, G.D. A sensitive and specific assay utilizing the polymerase chain reaction for the detection of a Streptococcus pneumoniae in blood. The Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 1994. |
A-66. |
Isaacman, D.J., Zhang, Y., Wald, E.R., Reynolds, E.A., and Ehrlich, G.D., Evaluation of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay for the detection of pneumococcal bacteremia in children. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Washington, D.C., May, 1994 (Oral Presentation). |
A-67. |
Anderson, K.W., Aul, J.J., Wadowsky, R.M., Riera, A., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular analysis of pathogens in otitis media with effusion. Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Harrisburg, PA, June, 1994. |
A-68. |
Preston, R.A., Post, J.C., Keats, B.J.B., Aston, C.E., Ferrell, R.E., Priest, J., Nouri, N., Losken, H.W., Morris, C.A., Hurtt, M.R., Mulvihill, J.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. A gene for Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis maps to the long arm of chromosome 10. European Society of Human Genetics, Late Breaking Science Session, Paris, France, June 4, 1994. (Oral Presentation) |
A-69. |
Shankarappa, B., Sirko, D.A., Gorry, M., Gupta, P., Rinaldo C.R., and Ehrlich, G.D. Amplifying gene sequences using primers with ambiguous termini. Second annual Conference on New Horizons in Gene Amplification Technologies: New Techniques and Applications, San Francisco, CA, June 8-10, 1994. |
A-70. |
Preston, R.A., Post, J.C., Keats, B.J.B., Aston, C.E., Ferrell, R.E., Priest, J., Nouri, N., Losken, H.W., Morris, C.A., Hurtt, M.R., Mulvihill, J.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. The gene for Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis maps to Chromosome 10q25-q26. American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, September 26, 1994. (Oral Presentation) |
A-71. |
Losken, H.W., Preston, R.A., Post, J.C., Keats, B.J.B., Aston, C.E., Ferrell, R.E., Mulvihill, J.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. The gene for Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis maps to Chromosome 10q25-q26. Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgery, October 14, 1994. (Oral Presentation) |
A-72. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Warman, M. and the Boston Craniosynostosis Group, Preston, R.A., Keats, B.J.B., Aston, C.A., White, G.J., Ferrell, R.E., Losken, H.W., Mulvihill, J.J., Post, J.C. The gene for Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis maps to a 7 centiMorgan region on chromosome 10q in three unrelated kindreds. American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, October 18-22, 1994. |
A-73. |
Preston, R.A., Warman, M., Gorry, M.C., White, G.J., Hurtt, M.R., Ferrell, R.E., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D., Exclusion of the PAX2 gene as a candidate gene for Crouzon Craniofacial Dysostosis. American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, October 18-22, 1994. |
A-74. |
Whitcomb, D.C., Puccion, A.M., Leifer, J.M., Finley, G., Ehrlich, G.D., and Sved, A.F. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and peptide YY (PYY) mRNA in the brainstem of rats detected by reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, November 13-18, 1994. (Slide Presentation) |
A-75. |
Shankarappa, B., Nichols, H.B., Jr., Gupta, P., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., Gorry, M.C., Nara, P.L., and Ehrlich, G.D. Genotypic clustering of the infecting quasispecies and increased variability at later time points are associated with a more rapid decline of CD4+ cell numbers in HIV-1 Infection. ASM Retrovirology Meeting, Washington, DC, January 16, 1995. |
A-76. |
Sirko, D.A., Mellors, J.W., and Ehrlich, G.D. Hotspots for amino acid changes distant from the V3 loop that confer escape from neutralization by a V3-specific neutralizing antibody. The Second National Conference on Human Retroviruses and Related Infections. Washington, DC, January 29-February 2, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-77. |
Boldt-Houle, D.M., Jamieson, B.D., Aldrovandi, G.M., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., Ehrlich, G.D., and Zack, J.A. T cell receptor V- repertoires in HIV-1 infected SCID-hu mice. The Second National Conference on Human Retroviruses and Related Infections. Washington, DC, January 29-February 2, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-78. |
Preston, R.A., Zhang, Y., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D., Analyzing candidate genes by long PCR to identify single strand conformational polymorphism for linkage analyses. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, February 5-9, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-79. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Aul, J.J., White, G.J., Zavoral, T.W., Kerber, B., Tarbari, R., Wadowsky, R.D., Doyle, W.J., Post, J.C. Persistence of DNA in middle-ear effusions of chinchillas as determined by the PCR. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, February 5-9, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-80. |
**Post, J.C., Aul, J.J., White, G.J., Wadowsky, R.D., Doyle, W.J., Fireman, P., Skoner, D.P., Buchman, C., Ehrlich, G.D. Differential colonization of the human nasopharynx by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenzae following Influenza A virus challenge. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, February 5-9, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-81. |
Preston, R.A., Armfield, D.R., Zhang, Y., White, G.J., Busslinger, M., Warman, M.L., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D. PCR-based screening of a chromosome 10q25-q26 YAC contig for Crouzon syndrome candidate genes. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, February 5-9, 1995. (Poster) |
A-82. |
Shoemaker, D.L., Rimmell, F.L., Ehrlich, G.D. HPV type predicts prognosis of pediatric laryngeal papillomatosis. American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, April, 1995. |
A-83. |
Post, J.C., Preston, R.A., Warman, M.L., Gorry, M.C., Marazita, M., Walker, N., Ehrlich, G.D. Mutational analysis of the fibroblast growth factor receptor type 2 (FGFR2) gene in multiple Crouzon families. American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, Tamarron, CO, May 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-84. |
Post, J.C., Mulvihill, J.J., Ferrell, R., Ehrlich, G.D. Report of the international genetic workshop on Crouzon syndrome and other craniofacial syndromes. American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, Tamarron, CO, May 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-85. |
Koehler, M., Ehrlich, G.D., St. George, K., Mirro, S., Rinaldo, C. CMV antigenemia and PCR as indicators for preemptive therapy in bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients. The 5th International Cytomegalovirus Conference: A Multidisciplinary approach towards controlling CMV Disease. Stockholm, Sweden, May 21-24, 1995. (Poster) |
A-86. |
Buchman, C.A., Liederman, E., Sirko, D.A., White, G., Ehrlich, G.D., and Post, J.C. Molecular microbiologic analysis of otitis media in adults. Sixth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 4-8, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-87. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Aul, J.J., White, G.J., Zavoral, T.W., Jr., Kerber, B., Tarbari, R., Wadowsky, R.D., Doyle, W.J., Post, J.C. Persistence of DNA in middle-ear effusions of chinchillas as determined by the PCR. Sixth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 4-8, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-88. |
Post, J.C., Aul, J.J., White, Wadowsky, R.D., Doyle, W.J., Fireman, P., Skoner, D.P., Buchman, C., Ehrlich, G.D. PCR detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis via a multiplex assay following Influenza A virus challenge of the human nasopharynx. Sixth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 4-8, 1995. (Slide Presentation) |
A-89. |
Kenna, M.A., White, G., Wadowsky, R., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D. Bacteriology of otorrhea: PCR versus cultures. 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 4-8, 1995. |
A-90. |
Ehrlich, G.D. Assignment of develomental genes to specific YACs within contigs spanning a 30cM region of chromosome 10q25-26. First International Workshop on Human Chromosome 10 Mapping. Hereklion Crete, Greece. September 29-October 1, 1995. |
A-91. |
Losken, H.W., Meunke, M., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Gene mutations in craniosynostotic syndromes. VI International Congress of Craniofacial Surgery, Saint Tropez, French Riviera, FRANCE, October 21-24, 1995. |
A-92. |
St. George, K., Rinaldo, C.R., Jr., Ehrlich, G.D., Mirro, J., Jr., and Koehler, M. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigenemia and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicators for preemptive therapy in bone marrow transplant recipients. 11th Annual Clinical Virology Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Pan American Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis, Clearwater, FL. |
A-93. |
Whitcomb, D.C., Wong-Chong, A., Gates, L., Zhang, Y., White, G.J., Martin, S.P., Ulrich, C.D., Preston, R.A., and Ehrlich, G.D. Hereditary pancreatitis (HP): Exclusion of an association with the immunohistocompatability groups, immune system modulators, complement system and detoxifying enzymes on chromosome 6 by genetic linkage analysis. National Pancreas Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2, 1995. |
A-94. |
Stanley, J.J., Robinson, R.A., Post, J.C., Ehrlich, G.D., and Smith, R.J.H. Viral coinfections in pediatric respiratory papillomatosis. The American Laryngological Association. |
A-95. |
Dolor, M., Beyer, A., Ehrlich, G., Gupta, P., Libert, T., and Wadowsky R.M. Comparison of Multiplex PCR-Based Assay and Culture for the Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Seeded Pleural Fluid Specimens. Annual American Society for Microbiology Meeting, November 13, 1996. |
A-96. |
Strom, S.C., Cooper, D.L., and Ehrlich, G.D. Isolation, culture and infection of human hepatocytes with hepatitis C. Keystone Symposia on Hepatitis C and Beyond, Burlington, VT, January 23-29, 1996. |
A-97. |
Wadowsky, Robert M., Liberts, Therese., Kingsley, Larry., M1ichaels, Richard H., and Ehrlich, G.D. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction-based assay for the detection of bordetella pertussis in nasopharyngeal swab specimens. 1996 Society for Pediatric Research. Washington D.C., May 10, 1996. |
A-98. |
Sossenheimer, M., Wood, P., Gates, L., Martin, S., Ulrich, C., Ehrlich, G.D., Whitcomb, D. Report of the clinical characteristics of the largest to date known kindred with hereditary pancreatitis (HP). ACG National Fellows' Forum, April 11-14, 1996. |
A-99. |
Szeremeta, W., Post, J.C., White G.J., and Ehrlich. G.D. The molecular biology of chronic sinusistis and adenoiditis. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Mid-Winter Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, February 4-8, 1996. |
A-100. |
Rabinovitz, M. and Ehrlich, G.D. HCV-RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) predicts outcome after --interferon (IFN) treatment of chronic hepatitis C. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Chicago, IL, November 8-12, 1996. |
A-101 |
Kane, J.M. III, Shears, L.L., Hierholzer, C., Ehrlich, G.D., Billiar,T.R., Mitchell, C., and Posner, M.C. Nitric oxide synthase induction as a potential mechanism for carcinogenesis in human hepatitis. Society of Surgical Oncology, Atlanta, Ga 1996. |
A-102. |
Aul, J.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens in Otitis Media. Fifth Annual Pathology Research Presentation. Pittsburgh, PA, 1994. |
A-103. |
Aul, J.J., and Ehrlich, G.D. Differential Colonization of the Human Nasopharynx Following Influenzae Virus Challenge. The Sixth Annual Pathology Research Presentation. Pittsburgh, PA, 1995. |
A-104. |
Raynor, M., Zhang, Y., Gorry, M.C., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Evidence of bacterial metabolic activity in culture-negative pediatric effusions from chronic and recurrent otitis media. ARO Midwinter Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 1-6, 1997. (Slide Presentation). |
A-105. |
Zhang, Y., Gorry, M.C., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Genomic structure of the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 (FGFR2) human gene and characterization of it's promoter. ARO Midwinter Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 1-6, 1997. (Slide Presentation). |
A-106. |
Achkar, J.P., Li, H.S., Whitcomb, D.C., Wood, P.G., Lee, R.G., Ehrlich, G.D. Luketich, J.D., Kim, R. Identification of differentially expressed genes in the progression of Barrett's Epithelium to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, May 11-14, 1997. |
A-107. |
Li, H.S., Achkar, J.P., Kim, R., Wood, P.G., Lee, R.G., Ehrlich, G.D., Luketich, J.D., Whitcomb, D.C. Altered gene expression in the metaplastic change to Barrett's Epithelium. Annual Meeting of American Gastroenterological Association and American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, May 11-14, 1997. |
A-108. |
Duerr, R.H., Zhang, L., Preston, R.A., Davis, S., Weeks, D.E., Chensny, L.J., Brown, J.L., Aston, C.E., Barmada, M.M., and Ehrlich, G.D. Further evidence for an Inflammatory Bowel Disease susceptibility locus on Chromosome 12. Annual Meeting of American Gastroenterological Association and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, May 11-14, 1996. |
A-109. |
Gabbaizadeh, D., Gates, L., Ulrich, C.D., Sossenheimer, M., Gorry, M., Zhang, Y., Preston, R., Ehrlich, G.D., and Whitcomb, D.C. Clinical Features of Hereditary Pancreatitis in a Family with a New Genotype. Annual Meeting of American Gastroenterological Association and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, May 11-14, 1997. |
A-110. |
Michael, M.G., Alcendor, D., St. George, K., Hayward, G., Ehrlich, G.D., Becich, M., and Rinaldo, C. Distinguishing Baboon CMV from Human CMV: Importance for Xenotransplantation. The American Society of Transplant Physicians' Fifteenth Annual Meeting, May 10-14, 1997. |
A-111. |
Marshall, D.J., Heisler, L., Olive, M., Voelkerding, K.V., Sabatini, L.M., Ehrlich, G.D., Neri, B., and de Arudda, M. Evaluation of Cleavase- Fragment Length Polymorphism for Hepatitis C Genotyping using 5'UTR cDNAs Derived from Serpositive Patients. The American Society of Microbiology, May, 1997. |
A-112. |
Amann, S.T., Gates, L.K., Ehrlich, G.D., and Whitcomb, D.C. Nonpenetrance of the Hereditary Pancreatitis Phenotype may be Independent of Genotype: A Study of Monozygotic Twins. The First International Symposium on Hereditary Pancreatitis, Pittsburgh, PA, April 5-6, 1997. |
A-113. |
Li, H.S., Deng, X., Wood, P.G., Guarrita, D.R., Ehrlich, G.D., and Whitcomb, D.C. Alcohol Ingestion Leads to Changes in Gene Expression in the Pancreas and Key Secretory Control Sites in Rats. Annual Meeting of American Gastroenterological Association and American Assocation for the Study of Liver Diseases, May 11-14, 1997. |
A-114. |
Gorry, M.C., Whitcomb, D.C., Gates, L.K. Jr., Ulrich II, C.D., Zhang, Y., Preston, R., and Ehrlich, G.D. Hereditary Pancreatitis is Assocation with Multiple Mutations in the Cationic Trypsinogen Gene. Annual Meeting of American Gastroenterological Association and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, May 11-14, 1997. |
A-115. |
Dingman, J., Rayner, M., Aul, J., Costerton, W., Gorry, M., Stutz, J., Laddis, D., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Otitis Media with Effusion as a Biofilm Disease. Allegheny University of the Health Sciences Second Annual Research Conference, October 8-9, 1997, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. |
A-116. |
Hu, F.Z., Darden, D.L., Gorry, M.C., Dressman, D., Li, H., Whitcomb, D.C., Dohar, J., and Ehrlich, G.D. Identification of genes differentially expressed in a scarless model of wound healing. Allegheny University of the Health Sciences Second Annual Research Conference, October 8-9, 1997, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. |
A-117. |
Dingman, J., Rayner, M., Aul, J., Costerton, W., Gorry, M., Stutz, J., Laddis, D., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Otitis Media with Effusion as a Biofilm Disease. ARO Midwinter Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 15-19, 1998 |
A-118. |
Hu, F.Z., Darden, D.L., Gorry, M.C., Dressman, D., Li, H., Whitcomb, D.C., Dohar, J., and Ehrlich, G.D. Identification of genes differentially expressed in a scarless model of wound healing. ARO Midwinter Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 15-19, 1998 |
A-119. |
Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D.:Biofilms and infectious disease. Presented at the Bioengineering:Building the Future of Biology and Medicine, The Bioengineering Consortium of the National Institutes of Health (BECON)-Poster Presentation, Bethesda, Maryland, February 27-28, 1998. |
A-120. |
Hu, F.Z., Preston, R.A., White, G.J., Kikuchi, L., Allen, G., Neiswanger ,K., Stiffler, R., Self, T., PAGER, Ehrlich, G.D., and Post, J.C. Gene mapping of severe pediatric gastroesophageal reflux. Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 14, 1999. |
A-121. |
Garth D. Ehrlich, Howard Hoffman, Ronald Zilkie, Gregory White, Fen Ze Hu, Robert Vigarido, J. Christopher Post Molecular Epidemiological Studies Of Common Bacterial And Viral Respiratory Pathogens In SIDS. &th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, June 1999. |
A-122. |
Sweeney, M., Hayes, J.D., and Ehrlich, G.D. Wounds that heal without scars-An Investigation with differential display. Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiatitve 1999 Summer Internship Program. Pittsburgh. PA August 11, 1999. |
A-123. |
Hayes, D., Veeh, R., Wang, X., Costerton, W.J., Post, J.C. and Ehrlich, G.D. Bacterial biofilms in otitis media: direct imaging of biofilm on middle-ear mucosa and tympanostomy tube. Biofilms 2000 (ASM) Big Sky, Montana, July 16-20, 2000. |
A-124. |
Wang, X., Hu, Z.F., Daigle, B., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Evidence of de novo bacterial biosynthesis in culture-negative OME. Biofilms 2000 (ASM) Big Sky, Montana, July 16-20, 2000 |
A-125^ |
Francis X. Schneck, Robert A. Preston, Fen Z. Hu, Daniel Herz, Michael Barmada, Christopher Aston, J. Christopher Post, and Garth D. Ehrlich Putative Mapping of a Gene for Vesicoureteral Reflux to Chromosome 11. American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting-Urology Section. Chicago, IL October 31, 2000. |
A-126 |
J. H. Chow, F. P. Duncanson, Sandra Johnson, Jay Hayes, J.C. Post, M. W. Dunne. Polymerase Chain Reaction Testing of Middle Ear Fluid in Pediatric Patients with Acute Otitis Media Treated with Single Dose Azithromycin ICAAC, 2000. |
A-127 |
G. D. Ehrlich, J Hayes, R. Veeh, F. Z. Hu, X. Wang, and J. W. Costerton. Direct Electronmicrographic Imaging of Biofilms on the Middle-ear Mucosa. Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 6, 2001. |
A-128 |
S. Kathju, C. Rabik, X. Wang, J. Hayes, G. J. White, S. Johnson, F. Z. Hu, J. ., and G. D. Ehrlich. Molecular Analysis of Scarless Fetal Wound Healing. Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 6, 2001 |
A-129 |
Hu, F.Z., Preston, R.A., Johnson, S., Ahmed, A., Gladitz, J., Post, J.C., and Ehrlich, G.D. Post-Genomic Strategy for the Positional Cloning of the Gene for Severe Pediatric GERD. American College of Gastroenterology, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 20-24, 2001 |
A-130 |
Erdos, G., P. Antalis, S. Sayeed, J. Hayes, J.C. Post, G.D. Ehrlich Changing Gene Expression Patterns in Biofilm-Forming P. aeruginosa, a Major Pathogen of Otorrhea., Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January , 2002 |
A-131 |
Kathju, S. et al. Annual Mid-winter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 2002 |
A-132 |
F.Z. Hu, A. Nyström, A. Ahmed, R. Dopico, I. Mossberg, M. Palmquist, J. Gladitz, M. Rayner, J.C. Post, R.A. Preston, and G.D. Ehrlich. Mapping a Gene for Dupuytren Contracture in Two Swedish Families. American Society for Human Genetics Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 15-19, 2002 |
A-133 |
Nystrom, A., Hu, F.Z., Ahmed, A., Dopico, R., Palmquist, M., Mossberg, I., and Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics of Dupuytren Contracture. American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Koloa Kauai, Hawaii, January 8-11, 2003 |
A-134 |
Nystrom, A., Goteburg, Sweden November 2002 |
A-135 |
Nystrom, A., Goteburg, Sweden November 2002 |
* |
Awarded best presentation of meeting |
- |
Selecated for press release |
** |
Selected for highlight presentation |
^ |
First Prize Research Award |
Meetings OrganizedMolecular Pathology: A workshop in Molecular Diagnostics-sponsored by UAREP. November 11-13, 1994, Bethesda, MD. Garth D. Ehrlich-organizing committee member.
International Genetic Workshop on Crouzon and other Craniofacial Disorders. March 10 -11, 1995, Sheraton Hotel at Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA. Garth D. Ehrlich, J. Christopher Post, and John J. Mulvihill-Directors.
First International Symposium on Hereditary Pancreatitis. April 5-6, 1997, Sheraton Hotel at Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA. Course Directors: David C. Whitcomb, Garth D. Ehrlich, J. Christopher Post.
New Paradigms in Infectious Disease: Applications to Otitis Media. October 13-15, 2000, Marriott City Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Course Directors: Garth D. Ehrlich, J.Christopher Post, and William J. Costerton
Dean's Symposium on Genetic Testing in Medicine. March 26, 2001, Allegheny General Hospital/MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh PA. Symposium Director: Garth D. Ehrlich.
Dean's Symposium on Medical Imaging. October 15, 2001, Allegheny General Hospital/MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh PA. Symposium Director: Garth D. Ehrlich.
Medical Biofilms 2002. March 17-19 2001, Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo Japan . Member Scientific Advisory Committee
Speaking Engagements
Keynote Addresses |
K-1 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Transferring DNA probe-based assays from the research laboratory to the medical clinic. American Society for Microbiology, Arizona Chapter, April 6, 1991. |
K-2 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Technology and Application of PCR-based Gene Diagnostics in the Clinical Laboratory, Xian, CHINA, May 28, 1998. |
K-3 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Biofilm Paradigm Explains many Features of Chronic Bacterial Infections. Twenthy fifth Silver Jubilee Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. New Delhi, INDIA November 24, 2001. |
K-4 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics of Craniofacial Development. World ENT Congress (IFOS 2002), Cairo, EGYPT. October 1, 2002. |
Session Convener/Chairman |
I-1 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: American Society of Microbiology Conference on biotechnology. Session on Human Retroviruses and AIDS-June 27-30, 1991. |
I-2 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists. Plenary Session on Molecular Methods for Clinical Immunologists. Arlington, VA, August 15, 1992. |
I-3 |
Ehrlich, G.D. International Genetics workshop on Crouzon and other Craniofacial Disorders. Plenary Session I and Keynote Address, Pittsburgh, PA, March 10, 1995. |
I-4 |
Ehrlich, G.D., Voelkerding, K., and Dummler, S. Association for Molecular Pathology. Plenary Session on Infectious Diseases. Minneapolis, MN, November 10, 1995. |
I-5 |
Ehrlich, G.D., and Adam, D.: Biennial Conference on Anti-infective agents and chemotherapy otitis media: GlaxoWellcome Symposium. Treatment of Otitis Media, Congress Centre Leipziy, GERMANY. May 3, 1996. |
I-6 |
Ehrlich, G.D., and Poole, M.: First World Congress of Pediatric Infectious Disease, GlaxoWellcome Symposium. "Otitis Media: Prospects for Management". Acapulco, MEXICO. December 5, 1996. |
I-7 |
Ehrlich, G.D., First International Symposium on Hereditary Pancreatitis. Keynote Speaker, April 5, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. |
I-8 |
Ehrlich, G.D., New Paradigms in Infectious Disease: Applications to Otitis Media. Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Introduciton of Keynote Speaker, October 13, 2000, Pittsburgh, PA |
Invited Talks |
I-8 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Strategies for detection and characterization of HTLV-I and related viruses by PCR. PCR Workshop NIAID Bethesda, MD, June 30, 1988. |
I-9 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Application of DNA probe technology to Medical Science. Medical Grand Rounds, SUNY HSC at Syracuse, Nov. 3, 1988. |
I-10 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: The spectrum of disease associated with human retroviruses: the quest for novel infectious agents. Triton Biosciences, Alameda, CA, January 17, 1989. |
I-11 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: The Use of PCR in the Detection, Characterization, and Quantitation of Human Retrovirus. AACR. San Francisco, May 27, 1989. |
I-12 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-Based Molecular Diagnostics and Epidemiology of Human Retroviruses. University of Pittsburgh, June 26, 1989. |
I-13 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Current Topics in AIDS Research: Diagnostics, Epidemiology and Therapeutics. State University of New York, Oswego, August 24, 1989. |
I-14 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-Based Molecular Diagnostics and Epidemiology of Human Retroviruses. Hoffman LaRoche, Nutley, NJ, September 7, 1989. |
I-15 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-Based Molecular Diagnostics and Epidemiology of Human Retroviruses. National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, FCRF, Frederick, MD, September 27, 1989. |
I-16 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Applications of PCR to Identification of Infectious Organisms, Food Pathogens, and Forensic Testing. Syracuse Research Corporation, November 17, 1989. |
I-17 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Towards development of Automatable Nonisotopic Detection Strategies for PCR Amplified DNAs. Lifecodes Corporation, April 25, 1990. |
I-18 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Use of PCR in Diagnosing Retroviral Infection. American Society for Microbiology Immunology Division Symposia, ASM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, May 16, 1990. |
I-19 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: The Coupling of PCR with Sensitive, Specific, Detection Strategies for Use in the Clinical Laboratory. American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. May 26, 1990. |
I-20 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Towards Development of PCR-based Methodologies for Examination of Retroviral Pathogenesis. American Society for Microbiology Conference on Biotechnology. Chicago, Illinois. June 8, 1990. |
I-21 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Utilization of PCR-based diagnostics in the Clinical laboratory. Department of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Aug. 8, 1990. |
I-22 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Utilization of PCR-based Technologies: Retroviral Pathogenesis Studies. The Fifth San Diego Conference on Nucleic Acids-New Frontiers, San Diego, CA. Nov. 14-16, 1990. |
I-23 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-based Clinical Diagnostics. Kodak Corporation, Rochester, NY February 22, 1991 |
I-24 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Using Lessons Learned from Molecular Epidemiology for the Development of PCR-based Clinical Diagnostics. Ohio State University, March 20, 1991. |
I-25 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-based Approaches to the study of Retroviral Pathogenesis. Transfusion Research Program, Department of Laboratory Medicine, UCSF. April 16, 1991. |
I-26 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Caveats of the PCR technology for Clinical Diagnosis American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting Dallas, TX Group C Symposia May 5, 1991. |
I-27 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR based Molecular Epidemiology of HTLV-I and II. Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY. July 23, 1991. |
I-28 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR-based Approaches to analyzing HIV pathogenesis. Frederick Cancer Research & Development Center, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD. August 7, 1991. |
I-29 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Establishment of a PCR-based Clinical Diagnostic Facility. Allegheny Singer Institute, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA. September 23, 1991. |
I-30 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Designing and conducting PCR-based clinical trials. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, February 18, 1992. |
I-31 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Cross sectional examination of TCR V- repertoire in normal and HIV-1 infected subjects. MACS Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. February 23-24, 1992. |
I-32 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Polymerase Chain Reaction-Processes and Applications. Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh Symposium: The Role of Analytical Chemistry in Biotechnology, Pittsburgh, PA, April 4, 1992. |
I-33 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Designing and Implementing PCR-based Clinical Trials for the Detection of Infectious Organisms. Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists, Arlington, VA, August 15, 1992. |
I-34 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Designing and Developing a PCR Facility for Diagnostics and Research. NeMours Children's Hospital, Jacksonville, FL, September, 1992. |
I-35 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Longitudinal examination of TCR V- repertoires in normal and HIV-1 infected subjects. Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study Meeting, Baltimore, MD. October 30, 1992. |
I-36 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Establishing a PCR-based Diagnostic Facility. Oncogenetics, Phoenix, AZ, January 4, 1993. |
I-37 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Design and Implementation of PCR-based Clinical Diagnostics Assays. Becton Dickinson Advanced Diagnostics, Research Triangle, NC. March 10, 1993. |
I-38 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Development of Multiplex PCR-Based Assays for Syndromic Illnesses. TM Technologies, Boston, MA. November 16, 1993. |
I-39 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Basic Strategies Involved in Nucleic Acid Amplification Technologies and their Applications to Molecular Microbiology Laboratories. Molecular Diagnostics Symposia, Pittsburgh, PA. April 20, 1994. |
I-40 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Mapping the Gene for Crouzon Craniofacial Dysostosis and General Methods for the Development of Tightly Linked Markers. Heritage Foundation Lecture, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta CANADA, June 23, 1994. |
I-41 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Teaching Molecular Pathology to Medical Students. Group for Research in Pathology Education, Annual National Meeting, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Pittsburgh, PA. June 30, 1994. |
I-42 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Fine Structure Mapping of the CFD Locus on 10q and assignment of the FGFR2 Gene to a YAC Contig Spanning the CFD Locus. International Genetic Workshop for Crouzon and other Craniofacial Disorders, Pittsburgh, PA, March 10, 1995. |
I-43 |
Ehrlich, G.D. PCR-based Panel Testing for Syndromic Infectious Diseases. Cambridge Healthtech Institute's Advances in Genetic Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases. Washington, D.C., April 19, 1995. |
I-44 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Design and Implementation of a PCR-based Diagnostic Facility for Infectious Agents. New York State Department of Health Labs, Albany, NY, May 11, 1995. |
I-45 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular Analyses for Infectious Disease Pathogens in Otitis Media. NIH NIDCD Council Meeting, Bethesda, MD, May 18, 1995. |
I-46 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Utility of PCR-based Diagnostics for CMV in solid organ transplant patients. Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 10, 1995. |
I-47 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular Diagnostics as a Tool for Understanding Infectious Processes. Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneve, SWITZERLAND. April 30, 1996. |
I-48 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Causative Pathogens: Will new diagnostics benefit patients: 6th Bicon Biennial Conference on Anti-infective agents and chemotherapy. Congress Centre Leipziy, GERMANY. May 2-4, 1996. |
I-49 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Is Otitis Media a Biofilm Disease. Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University, November 21, 1996. |
I-50 |
Ehrlich, G.D. How Molecular Microbiology created a new paradigm for understanding Otitis Media, First World Congress of Pediatric Infectious Disease, Acapulco, MEXICO. December 5 1996. |
I-51 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Designing a PCR-based clinical reference lab-Xian, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA, April 1, 1997. |
I-52 |
Ehrlich, G.D., Positional Cloning of the Hereditary Pancreatitis Gene. First International Symposium on Hereditary Pancreatitis, April 5, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. |
I-53 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Mapping and Cloning of the Gene for Hereditary Pancreatitis, Department of Genetics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. April 14, 1997. |
I-54 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Practical Genomics, Agents for Change-Glaxo Wellcome, Verona, ITALY, June 27, 1998. |
I-55 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Discovering the Molecular Basis of Congenital Disorders: FGFR-2 and Craniofacial Syndromes, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, Novenmber 11, 1998. |
I-56 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Development of a new Paradigm in Chronic Infectious Diseases through the application of Molecular Diagnostics, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Ohio, May 27, 1999. |
I-57 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics and Physiology of Hereditary Pancreatitis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, China, October 5, 1999. |
I-58 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics and Physiology of Craniosynostotic Syndromes and Hereditary Pancreatitis, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chegdu, Sichuan, CHINA, October 11, 1999. |
I-59 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Functional Promoter Studies of the Human FGFR2 Gene, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chegdu, Sichuan, CHINA, October 12, 1999. |
I-60 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Demonstration of the biofilm phenotype in middle ear infections, BIOFILMS 2000-ASM SYMPOSIUM, Big Sky Montana, July 16-21, 2000. |
I-61 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular Genetics of Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux, Sequenom, San Diego, CA, September 25, 2000 |
I-62 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Biofilms in Otitis Media, New Paradigms in Infectious Disease: Applications to Otitis Media, October 14, 2000, Pittsburgh, PA |
I-63 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Strategies for Positional Cloning of the pediatric GER gene. AstraZeneca, Muldon, SWEDEN. November 6, 2000 |
I-64 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Biofilms in Otitis Media. NIDCD Workshop. Otitis Media: New Approaches for Analysis, Treatment, and Prevention. Rockville, MD. November 29, 2000. |
I-65 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular Diagnostics as a Measure of Antimicrobial Efficacy. Pfizer Investigators Meeting. West Palm Beach, FL. December 4, 2000. |
I-66 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Differential Gene Expression Analyses as a Means to Understand Scarless Fetal Wound Healing. Kunming Medial College, Kunming, Yunan, CHINA. January 8, 2001 |
I-67 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics of GERD and the Bacterial Biofilm Paradigm of Chronic Infectious Diseases. MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine Febuary 13, 2001. |
I-68 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Use of Global Gene Expression Technolgoies to Identify Targets in Bacterial Biofilms for Vaccines and Anti-infectives. Wyeth-Lederle, Bacterial Vaccines Research Group Meeting. Rochester, NY. March 7, 2001. |
I-69 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Molecular Diagnostics of Chronic Infections. Dean's Symposium. Allegheny General Hospital/MCP-Hahnemann University School of Medicine. Pittsburgh, PA, March 26, 2001. |
I-70 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Using Gene Array Technology to Test the Biofilm Hypothesis of Chronic Bacterial Disease. Coriell Institute for Medical Research. Camden, NJ March 27, 2000 |
I-71 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Development of a New Paradigm in Chronic Bacterial Infections through the Application of Molecular Diagnostics. Pfizer Global Research and Development, Antibacterials Department, Groton CT, April 27, 2001. |
I-72 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Approaches for The Identification of New Targets for Anti-infectives. Pfizer Global Research and Development, Antibacterials Department, Groton CT, April 27, 2001. |
I-73 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Biofilm Phenotype in Otitis Media, Colloquium of Biofilms in Chronic Bacterial Infections, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, May 23, 2001. |
I-74 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Direct Micrographic Imagaing of Biofilms on the Middle-Ear Mucosa of Experimentally Infected Chinchillas, Special Symposium on Biofilms, BioElectro Magnetic Society Annual Meeting, St. Paul MN, June 11, 2001. |
I-75 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Demonstration of the Biofilm Phenotype in Otitis Media and Salpingitis. Microbia, Cambridge, MA, July 27, 2001 |
I-76 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Direct Imaging and Gene Expression Analyses of a Mucosal Biofilm in Otitis Media. Bacterial Interactions with Mucus and Mucosa, a EURESCO Conference. Canterbury, Kent, ENGLAND September 1-6, 2001. |
I-77 |
Ehrlich, G.D. "The Role of Biofilms and Genomic Plasticity in Otitis Media" Department of Microbiology University of Buffalo, Buffalo NY, November 9, 2001 |
I-78 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Biofilm and Distributed Genome Paradigms provide a new Theoretical Structure for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Infections. Interscience Conference on Antimicrobials Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) Chicago, Illinois, September 2001 (Postponed to December 18, 2001) |
I-79 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Do Bacterial Pathogens Utilize a Distributed Genome? Results from Genomic Plasticity Studies of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Twenthy fifth Silver Jubilee Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. New Delhi, INDIA November 22, 2001. |
I-80 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Biofilm Paradigm in Chronic Bacterial Infections. Center for Biochemical Technology, New Delhi, INDIA. November 23, 2001. |
I-81 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics of Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Center for Biochemical Technology, New Delhi, INDIA. November 23, 2001. |
I-83 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Biofilm and Distributed Genome Paradigms provide a new Theoretical Structure for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Infections. Department of Human Genetics and Genomics, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkatta, INDIA, November 26, 2001. |
I-84 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Genetics of Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and a Post-Genomic Strategy for the Positional Cloning of the GERD Gene at Chromosome 13q14. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, INDIA, November 27, 2001. |
I-85 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Biofilm and Distributed Genome Paradigms provide a new Theoretical Structure for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Infections. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, INDIA, November 26, 2001. |
I-86 |
Ehrlich, G.D. The Mucosal Biofilm Paradigm explains many features of Otitis Media with Effusion. Medical Biofilms 2002, Tokyo JAPAN, March 19, 2002. |
I-87 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Bacterial Supra-genomes and the Distributed Genome Hypothesis. Medical Biofilms 2002, Tokyo JAPAN, March 19, 2002. |
I-88 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Toward the Development of a new Theoretical Framework for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Pathogenesis, National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE, March 26, 2002. |
I-89 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Towards the Development of a New Theoretical Framework for the Understanding of Chronic Bacterial Infections. John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii July 24, 2002. |
I-90 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Biofilms and Genomic Plasticity: Development of a New Theoretical Framework for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Infections. University of Nebraska School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Omaha, Nebraska, August 16, 2002. |
I-91 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Bacterial Plurality Explains Many Features of Chronic Pathogenesis. Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Eye and Ear Institute,University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA November 13, 2002. |
I-92 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Chronic Bacterial Pathogenesis and the Distributed Genome Hypothesis. University of Rochester, Department of Biology Seminar Series, Rochester, NY. December 9, 2002. (scheduled) |
Short Courses and Workshops |
S-1 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Workshop on Multiple Sclerosis and Human Retroviruses, sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, June 10, 1989. |
S-2 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: PCR Worskhop at NIH, Bethesda, MD. June 30, 1988. |
S-3 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: I: Development of Procedural and Physical Safeguards for Utilization of PCR-based Clinical Diagnostic Procedures; and II: Use of gene amplification for studies of human retroviral pathogenesis. PCR short course: Department of Biochemical Pharmacology SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY-August 12-15, 1990 |
S-4 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: I: Design of Laboratory Operations for PCR-based Clinical Diagnostics; and, II: PCR-based Strategies for Research Applications. PCR Workshop of the Pan American Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis, State University of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. Oct. 8-11, 1990. |
S-5 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Molecular Biology of Hepatitis C Virus, presented at the Central Blood Bank Conference, Current Issues in HCV, Hyatt Regency, Pittsburgh, PA. Feb. 22, 1992. |
S-6 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Faculty member: PCR and Sequencing Course, given at the Symposium on Molecular Biology of Hearing and Deafness. La Jolla, CA, May 1-4, 1992. |
S-7 |
Ehrlich, G.D. and Cooper, D.L.: Establishment and Integration of an Infectious Disease Molecular Diagnostic Lab within a University Hospital. Universities Associated for Research and Education in Pathology. Bethesda, MD, November 13, 1993. |
S-8 |
Ehrlich, G.D. A workshop in Molecular Diagnostics, Molecular Pathology. Bethesda, MD, November 11-13, 1994. |
S-9 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Antimicrobial Resistance: Mechanisms and clinical relevance. Antimcrobial resistance: A Growing Crisis; Symposium held in conjunction with AGO-HVS Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, September 19, 1995. |
S-10 |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Organizer and speaker-Molecular Medicine Workshop. Alfred University, Alfred, NY, October 21, 1995. Speakers include G.D. Ehrlich, J.C. Post, and D. Whitcomb. |
S-11 |
Ehrlich, G.D., Voelkerding, K., and Dummler, S. (Organizers): Workshop on Molecular Diagnosis for Infectious Disease. Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Nov 10-12, 1995. |
S-12 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Association for Research in Otolaryngology's Mid-Winter Meeting, Workshop on Molecular Genetics, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, February 2, 1997. |
S-13 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Agents for Change, Glaxo Wellcome, Verona, ITALY, June 27, 1998. |
S-14 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Experimental Design in Molecular Biological Analyses, Department of Medical Genetics, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, CHINA, October 12, 17, 19, and 26, 1999. |
S-15 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Bacterial Biofilms in Middle-ear Disease @ Research Advances in Otolaryngology. Department of Otolaryngology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the The Research Institute, Univerity Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland Ohio, June 28, 2002. |
S-16 |
Ehrlich, G.D. Genomic Plasticity of Bacterial Pathogens @ Pittsburgh, Tools and Techniques for Functional Genomics. Beckman Advanced Technology Seminar Series. Pittsburgh, PA, August 28, 2002. |
Continuing Medical Education Series |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Associate Senior Researcher in Otolaryngology Annual Mid-Winter Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, 1996. |
Ehrlich, G.D.: Director, Infectious Diseases Section Monthly Seminar-Division of Molecular Diagnostics, Department of Pathology, UPMC. 1994-1997. |
Ehrlich, G.D., J. C. Post, and M. Roh-Course Directors: Surgical Research Conference-joint monthly case-based interactive molecular medicine research conference sponsored jointly by the Center for Genomic Sciences and the Department of Surgery, Allegheny General Hospital, 9/99-2000. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Center for Genomic Sciences Journal Club, Allegheny General Hospital 2001-Date. |
Ehrlich, G.D., Center for Genomic Sciences Seminar Series, Allegheny General Hospital 2001-Date. |
Intramural Seminars |
University of Pittsburgh |
IS-1- |
Division of Neuropathology. HTLV-I Associated Myelopathies vs. Multiple Sclerosis. October 24, 1990. |
IS-2- |
Department of Neurology. HTLV-I Associated Chronic Demyelinating Disease: Clinical Epidemiological and Molecular Approaches to Diagnosis. November 12, 1990. |
IS-3- |
Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. Pitt Men's Study, In Service training. New approaches to the study of HIV pathogenesis. |
IS-4- |
Department of Human Genetics. Development of Clinical Molecular Diagnostics. March 28, 1991. |
IS-5- |
Infectious Disease/Transplantation Surgery. Grand Rounds. July 18, 1991. |
IS-6- |
Department of Pathology Seminar Series. Approaches for evaluating the ability of the host's CTL response to adapt to HIV-1's high rate of mutation. October 16, 1991. |
IS-7- |
Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Research Seminar Series. Approaches for evaluating the ability of the host's CTL response to adapt to HIV-1's high rate of mutation. December 9, 1991. |
IS-8- |
Sc of Pharmacy-Research Seminar Series. PCR Methodology and Diagnostic Applications. May 12, 1992. |
IS-9- |
Division of Hematology-Bone Marrow Transplantation-Research Seminar Series. Diagnostic and Research Applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction, September 14, 1992. |
IS-10- |
Department of Pathology Seminar Series, Detection of bacterial DNA in culture negative chronic middle-ear effusions. September 27, 1993. |
IS-11- |
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Division of Rheumatology-Multiplex PCR-based assays for respiratory pathogens, January 31, 1995. |
IS-12- |
University of Pittsburgh CFAR Organizational Symposia. HIV Viral-Host Interactions. March 1, 1994. |
IS-13- |
Division of Gastroenterology Molecular Diagnostic Approaches for the detection of Infectious Diseases of the Gastrointestinal system. April 27, 1994. |
IS-14- |
Pediatric ENT Retreat. Molecular Otolaryngology 1994, Concordia Club, Pittsburgh, PA. September 4,1994. |
IS-15- |
Division of Gastroenterology. Results of Two Longitudinal Comparative Studies of CMV Detection in Solid Organ Transplant patients by PCR and other methods. October 20, 1994. |
IS-16- |
University of Pittsburgh Monthly HIV Research Meeting-Experimental Evidence Supporting the Deceptive Imprinting Model of HIV-1 pathogenesis and how the SCID-Hu-HIV mouse fulfills Koch's postulates for HIV-1. November 11, 1994. |
IS-17- |
Pittsburgh Committee for Virology-Towards a model of HIV Immunopathogenesis: Quantitation of HIV Variability as a Predictor of Disease Progression. December 2, 1994. |
IS-18- |
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology-Modeling of Crouzon Syndrome Using Transgenic Mice for FGFR2. February 2, 1995. |
IS-19- |
Liver Transplant Case Conference-Comparative Analysis of Three Nucleic Acid-based Methods for the Detection of Hepatitis C Virus. May 25, 1995. |
IS-20- |
Human Genetics Case Conference-Mutational Analysis of the FGFR2 Gene in Crouzon Syndrome. June 1, 1995. |
IS-21- |
HCV's Discovery and Molecular Diagnostics-MAX Continuing Medical Education Series. July 13, 1995. |
IS-22- |
Clinical Molecular Microbiological testing at the University of Pittsburgh Med Cen. September 26, 15, 1995. |
IS-23- |
Department of Pathology Seminar Series-Genetics of Human Craniofacial Development. November 19, 1995. |
IS-24- |
Department of Pathology Seminar Series-Positional Cloning of the Hereditary Pancreatitis Gene. March, 1997. |
Allegheny General Hospital/Allegheny Singer Research Institute/MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine |
IS-25- |
Department if Pathology Seminars, Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series-DNA-based Amplifcation Strategies. October 14 , 1998. |
IS-26- |
Department if Pathology Seminars, Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series-RNA-based Amplifcation Strategies. October 21, 1998. |
IS-27- |
Department if Pathology Seminars, Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series-Optimization of Nucleic Acid Amplification Assays. October 28, 1998. |
IS-28- |
Department if Pathology Seminars, Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series-Designing a Molecular Diagnostics Facility. November 4, 1998. |
IS-29 - |
Department if Pathology Seminars, Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series-Development and Evaluation of of PCR-based Diagnostic Assays. November 4, 1998. (Combined with IS-28) |
IS-30- |
Department if Pathology Seminars, Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series-Integrating Molecular Diagnositcs into a Medical Center Setting November 18, 1998. |
IS-31- |
NeuroScience Grand Rounds, Allegheny General Hospital- Molecular Biology of Fetal Scarless Wound Healing. March 14, 2001. |
IS-32 - |
Gastroenterology Fellows Research Conference-A Short Primer on Gene Mapping and Positional Cloning: Identification of the Gene for Hereditary Pancreatitis. January 8, 2002. |
IS-33 - |
Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, The Distributed Genome Hypothesis and Bacterial Plurality: Development of a New Theoretical Framework for the Understanding of Bacterial Survival. January 23, 2002. |
IS-34 - |
ASRI Research Seminar Series-Development and Analysis of a Small Animal Model of Craniosynostosis. September 9, 2002. |
IS-35 - |
Gastroenterology Fellows Research Conference-Craniofacial Genetics: a Model System for the Study of Functional Genomics. January 7, 2003 |
Editorial Positions
- Editorial Board-Molecular Diagnosis-Churchill-Livingston Publishers. (1996-2001)
- Editorial Board-Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (ASM) 1997-2002, extended through 12/2005
Grant Review CommitteesMember (ad hoc) technical review group for NCI/NIH contract: NCI-CM87264-19 (1989).
Member (ad hoc) NIH NIAID Study Section-AIDS and Related Research SS3 (1991).
Veterans Administration Merit Review Consultant for Grant Nos. 151/INDI/24 (1990); 151/INDI/12; 151/INDI/20; 151/INDI/37 (1992); 151/INDI/10 (1992); 151/INDI/16 (1995).
Member NIH NIAID Study Section-Centers for AIDS Research-RFA A1-93-14 (December, 1993)
North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Academic Research Initiation-Grants Program Consultant (1992).
Member Aaron Diamond Foundation Fellowship Grants Review Committee (1992)
International Science Foundation Grant Reviewer (1993)
Department of Health, The Executive Yuan, Taiwan Grant Reviews Program Project, "Infections in Immunocompromised Patients" (1994)
Member (ad hoc) NIDA-SCRD-AO1 Study Section (1994)
Member (ad hoc) NIDA-Special Review Committee SRCD-01 (1994)
Member (ad hoc) NIDA-SCRD-A01 Study Section (1995)
University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Outside reviewer for Seed Grant Funding Program (1995)
Member (ad hoc) NHLBI-Special Contact Review Committee (1996).
Member (ad hoc) NIDA-Special Review Committee-SCRD-A01 Study Section (1996)
Member (ad hoc) NIDA-NIDA-J Study Section (1996)
Member (ad hoc) Special Review Committee-Epidemiology and Diseases Control Study Section (1996)
Member-NIH Study Section-Special Emphasis Panel (April 1997)
Member-DOD-DARPA-Advanced Diagnostics Advisory Panel (June 24-26, 1997)
Member-NIH-NIDA-Study Section (July 1997)
Member-DOD-DARPA-Advanced Diagnostics Advisory Panel (September 16-18, 1997)
Member-(ad hoc)-NIH-NCI-CA97-011-Novel Technologies for Evaluation of Molecular Allerations in tissues (March 23-25, 1998)
Member-DOD-DARPA-Advanced Diagnostics Advisory Panel (June 1-3, 1998)
Member-DOD-DARPA-Advanced Diagnostics Advisory Panel (August 17-20, 1998)
Member-RFP-NIH-DC-98-03-Study Section (September 8, 1998)
Member-AAO-HNSF Study Section (March 19-21, 1999)
Member-NHLBI Special Emphasis Panel-RFP HB-99-10 (April 13, 1999)
Write-in Member-NIDCD Special Emphasis Panel ZDC1 SRB-O (21) (November 3, 1999)
Member-NCI Study Section (ZCA1-NCI-GIT-56201) for PARs 99-100-99-103: Innovative Technologies for the Molecular Analysis of Cancer and their Applications, and Applications of Innovative technologies for the Molecular Analysis of Cancer (November 17-19, 1999).
Write-in Member-NIDCD Special Emphasis Panel ZDC1 SRB-O (21) (November 29, 1999)
Write in Member-NIDCD Special Emphasis Panel ZDC1 SRB-O (23) (March 23, 2000)
Member-AAO-HNSF Study Section (March 31-April 2, 2000)
Member-DOD-DARPA-Advanced Biologic Warfare Diagnostics Advisory Panel (June 2000)
Member-NIMH Study Section-Special Emphasis Panel ZMH1 BRB-P (02) (July 11-12, 2000
Member-DOD-DARPA- Advanced Biologic Warfare Diagnostics Advisory Panel (September 2000)
Member-AAO-HNSF Study Section (April 6-8, 2001)
Member-Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Inititive (PTEI) Study Section (May 29, 2001)
Member-NIDCD Special Emphasis Panel ZDC1 SRB-J (12) P-30 reviews in response to PA-01-011 (June 2001)
Member-NIDCD Special Emphasis Panel (October 14-15 2001)
Member-NCI ZCA1 SRRB-C (R21/33 applications) phone correspondent (March 6-8 2002)
Member-NIDCD ZDC1 SRB-A (37) Special emphasis panel/Research Core (P30) (June 19, 2002)
Member-NIAID Special Emphasis panel/ RFA AI-02-008 (Scientific Review Group ZAI1-GPJ-M-J1) (November 6-8 2002)
Member-NIDCR Special Emphasis panel/RFA DE-03-001 (Craniofacial Genetics) (November 10-11, 2002)
Site VisitsMember, NIDA Drug Abuse AIDS Research Review Committee, Biobehavioral/Clinical Subcommittee project site visit-2-R01 DA05593-04 "Spread of AIDS in IVDAs".
Member, NIH Site Visit Team for Program Project Grant at Wistar Institute, September 1992.
Consultant, NIH Reverse Site Visit, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome contract at Loyola University of Chicago, March 7, 1994.
Advisory CommitteesAlfred University-Health Sciences Advisory Committee 1996-Date
NIDCD-Molecular Genetics of Speech and Language Development
NIDCD-Board of Scientific Counselors, 2000
Medical Biofilms 2002 (Symposium)- Tokyo Japan
Journal ReviewsAd Hoc Reviewer for: Journal of Infectious Disease; Cancer Research; Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology; Blood; Journal of AIDS; Neurology; Biotechniques; Journal of Clinical Microbiology; American Journal of Pathology; Molecular and Cellular Probes; Journal of Leukocyte Biology; AIDS; Genomics; Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology; Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology; Nature Genetics; JAMA; Human Genetics; Drug Discovery Today; Tissue Engineering
Scientific JudgingAllegheny General Hospital, Annual Residents Research Symposium. May 19, 2000
Allegheny General Hospital, Department of Surgery, Third Annual Resident Research Day. April 10, 2001
PatentsJoseph Z. Glustein, Garth D. Ehrlich, and Yingze Zhang. A multiplex PCR-based assay for bacterial and viral meningitis. (allowed US patent office 01/2001, waiting number)
Book ReviewsMolecular and Antibody Probes in Diagnosis, M.R. Walker and R. Rapley eds., John Wiley & Sons: New York. 1994-for Genetic Epidemiology.
Revised 08/14/2002
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